Trish's Personal Page

Trish was born on April 13, 1958, in Florida.

Trish is the product of a very difficult life.  Details are too personal to elaborate upon in this forum.  The things she has endured have shaped her into the loving, caring woman she is today.

Trish was married once, for nearly 20 years.  She is the mother of two beautiful daughters, Kathryn and Sarah, and the grandmother of one newborn boy.  She divorced in 1998.

She is a Registered Nurse by education, but is currently working at Horton Cellars, a winery near Charlottesville, Virginia.  She loves her job there, but will soon leave to be with her true love, Barry, who will be stationed at the Air Mobility Warfare Center, Fort Dix, New Jersey.

Trish enjoys fine wines, cross stitching, and spending as much time as she can with Barry, the first and only true love of her life.

Musical Selection:  Babe

<bgsound src="MIDI/babe.mid">