Testimony - prYnt 

Teacher's Pet?

Well, to be honest, quite far from being a teacher's favourite! I was remembered only because I made teachers cry. Everyone goes through some stage of rebellion against homework and I was in a constant state of non-completion (if there's such a word) for most of my Primary School life. 

It's almost comical thinking about it, how my book had more folded edges, more red question marks, than the rest of the class. Oh and how I dreaded language classes! My practice books remained almost empty throughout the years, and standing at the back of the class was almost voluntary. I was a regular at the Principal's Office -- so was Mum. I should think that she was tearing her hair out then with this problem child of a daughter. 

You know, it's amazing how many variations of punishment I encountered: my ears were pulled; hard smacks on the behind with them wooden metre rules; a hundred lines of 'I will do my homework'; thrown to another class for babysitting, once even thrown to the school dentist when the other teachers didn't want me in their class! 

It IS funny isn't it? 

Most of my form teachers cried as a result, probably because they were at a total loss as to what to do with me. For some obscure reason I still could pass my tests so that was no chance of asking me to leave on the grounds of poor grades. 

So, they seated me next to one of them school prefects once. Instead of me being 'encouraged' to remain silent, we were engaged in lively conversation more often than not! 

Ah, Primary school was fun. 

The teachers however, through their tears, somehow DID have an impact on my life. Someone cared. Strangers cared. They never stopped trying, they never stopped giving. They poured out words from the Bible, words that sometimes made sense but more often than not, made me think about a God -- whoever He was. 

Sure, there were punishments, sure, they almost wanted to get rid of me for good, but that soon relented and they were hot on my heels again, hunting me down. God needs more 'sticky' Christians, the kind that never give up showing love to those who least deserve it. I sure didn't deserve any! I've got to give it to these teachers... I'll send my kids back to them in future. 

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prYnt (C) February 1998. All graphics done by author. This page thanks to 
This page last updated 10-Mar-98