Testimony - prYnt 


With all the emotional trauma that I lived through, I felt that even if God forgave me I could not forgive myself for even thinking of walking away from Him. I didn't feel worthy of His Grace, His Love. Like one who had jilted a lover but now turned back to Him, I simply didn't know how to tread. Was I back in His favour? Did he count me worthy to let me serve him again? What was a bride to do if she left her Bridegroom standing at the altar? How could she go back to Him? It was too hard.

I spent the next 4 months of my life, saying weekly "I'm sorry, LORD! Forgive me". I was too consumed in grief, however, in my betrayal of God's will, to actually believe I could already have been forgiven. God in his mercy sent someone I had met for just 5 minutes to spell it all out... the sin I had fallen into, and that I had been forgiven. It may seem like mere coincidence to you, perhaps it is. But the call came AS I was still asking and pleading with God, when would He forgive me? Perhaps even grovelling at His feet. Just for a word, just for something I could understand. I thank God He could use a stranger.

Well, a self-proclaimed one-year status of singlehood, was one of the hardest things for me to do. My mind kept playing tricks but this time I knew the price. I've learnt more and more to lean on God's strength, to tell Him all my troubles with the full knowledge that He is listening and He already knows. I stand today because of Him and the many people He's used along the way, who were willing to risk looking foolish for God, who were willing to camp at my doorstep until I agreed to get my act together and seek help at church... to these brothers and sisters I shall be eternally grateful. 

Today I stand with greater faith in God, without any regrets. I thank God for the good times and the bad, for without them my life would not have been challenged so. God always gives us problems we can bear; the problems are common to all men. Now I serve in Full Gospel Assembly Perth, strongly believing that just as the prayers of my friends helped tide me through life, I can help others as well. This year I'm also praying that God would grant me greater discipline.

Out of gratitude for this life these people have changed, this testimony is up on the web, that I may share my story. (FGAPcells'96 and'97, CHCW51'96). Most of all this page is dedicated to the Lover of my soul. Jesus, I love You; never let me go. 

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prYnt (C) February 1998. All graphics done by author. This page thanks to 
This page last updated 10-Mar-98