Mews Meowsketeers!

Once again, this month's mewsletter is furry no-frills. Poor mommie has been ever-so busy
these past few weeks, so I haven't had the chance to use the computer as much as I had
wanted to.  

Anymew, I betcha all of you kitties are just giddy wif eggcitement now that Kissamouse is
just a mere week away. I know I am! I've been a really good girl this year. I can't wait to
see what Santy Claws will bring me. Merrrow!

I want to wish all of you kitties a safe and happy holiday! Be sure to stay away from
strange red plants and strange hoomins too!


Tabby ( and Bigfoot will be having their wedwinking reception the
week befur Christmas. If anykitty wants to attend, pleeze send their cut-out or transparent
background picture to Oliver ( and they will be at the reception. 
The winner of the 5th Cathy Cat Country Contest is Meowsketeer #344, Gizzmo. If you
want a chance to win a spiffy surprise gift, all you hafta do is enter the contest at:
This month's Birthday Spotlight goes out to Kit Kat ( Her birthday is on
Decemfur 29th, so make sure you wish her a furry merry Kissamouse as well as a happy
purrday. Come read her interview at:
Celebrate Kissamouse at Polly's Palace!
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=^..^= The Mighty Meow Club!


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