Birthday Spotlight: Ginger Boo
September 18th

1) How old will you be turning or would you rather not say?
I will be turning 1. I am furry purr-oud too!

2) Are you looking forward to your birthday? Why? Why not?
I am looking forward to my birthday because since I am the baby of the family, I get spoiled! I expect that my birthday will be a day that my hoomins will devote to caring fur my every need! (Plus, I bet I'll get some good treats!)

3) What sorts of presents do you expect to get? What do you really want?
I haven't really thought about what I want fur my birthday. I've been pretty sick lately and I guess that I should be happy that I have at least 8 of my lives left! I did hear Meowmie say that she's getting a HUGE cat tree though and she did say that it is going to have a special cubby for me!

4) Do you haf any special plans fur the big day?
Nope! I think I'll just gets lots of pettings and love from Frankie, my winkwink and then I'll be furry happy!

5) Do you like to receive birthday cards and postcards?
Well, since I've never had a birthday before (well, except when I was actually born), I don't know about birthday cards. But I LOVE to receive postcards!

Send Ginger Boo a Birthday card!

* Polly's Postcards
* 123 Greetings
* Blue Mountain Arts
* Gund Greetings
* PC Greetings

Past Spotlights

Aug '98 ~ Lady Diz
July '98 ~ Dusty
June '98 ~ Smokey

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