Using Pain For Our Good

On our really bad days, we sometimes
believe that God must be
"out to lunch" or just not "taking calls" right now.
But rest assured, He is ALWAYS there.


"For the eyes of the Lord
are on the righteous and
His ears are attentive
to their prayer..."

I Peter 3:12

"....and surely I am
with you ALWAYS....."

Matthew 28:20

Romans 5:3 through 4
"... we also rejoice
in our sufferings,
because we know that 
suffering produces
perseverance; perseverance,
character; and
character, hope."
James 1:2 through 4
"Consider it pure JOY, 
my brothers, whenever
you face trials of many kinds,
because you know that
the testing of your Faith
develops perseverance.
Perseverance must finish
it's work so that
you may be mature
and complete, not
lacking anything"

 Suffering can reveal what is in
the deep crevices of our hearts.



Pain has a tendency to bring out one's "TRUE SELF"
When we are in the grips of daily pain, it is difficult
to put up a "front" for others. Strengths and weaknesses
of the heart are not truly evident when everything
is going our way. But when PAIN...whether
Physical or Emotional.... is tearing away
at our "exterior"....the Lord allows us
 to examine what's on the "INSIDE"


"Yes, O Lord, you are our Father,
We are the Clay,
You are the Potter,
We are all the work of your Hand"

Isaiah 64:8

Just as a piece of Pottery is made perfect (complete) by FIRE
is revealed and shaped by enduring the trials
of this world.
"In this world you will have trouble.
But take heart!

John 16:33

For many of us daily PAIN is a "fact of life".
We need the care of doctors
We need to take any prescribed medications
But none of that ensures PAIN FREE life


The Choice is OURS to make

(  )A. We can allow the pain to make us bitter
Causing us to hate the world and
 be angry with God.
We can alienate ourselves
from all those who love & care
about us.
We can "wallow" in a pool of "Self-Pity"


(  )B. We can depend DAILY on Jesus
to sustain us and give us the strength
we need to face each new day.
We can surround ourselves with
Family and Friends
We can seek to serve the needs of others,
taking our minds off "SELF"
We can count our DAILY BLESSINGS


There is SO much in the world to be thankful for
A good idea is to keep a "GRATITUDE JOURNAL"
I have kept one for several months now. 
And every night before going to  bed,
I list atleast 5 things that I am THANKFUL for that day.
Some days, my entries will be "Thank You
Lord that I only had bad pain in
the morning, and Thank You that my 
washing machine was fixed"
And then there are days when
my entries look like this:

"Thank You Lord, that my Dad has accepted you, and
Thank You that I didn't have to take ANY 
pain medicine today and Thank You
for the Beautiful SUNSHINE and Thank You
for the precious CARD
I received from my Friend today"
There are always things to give THANKS for !


Even on the "bad pain days"
There is SO much beauty in God's Creation
We have been blessed with friends, family, children


So what choice will YOU make? "A" or "B"?
Most importantly... Remember this:

You don't have to FIGHT this "BATTLE"
alone. The Lord wants you to
share this burden with Him

"Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened,
and I will give you rest.
Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me,
For I am gentle and humble in heart,
And you will find REST for your souls.
For my yoke is easy and my burden is light"

Matthew 11:28-30


I hope that you have found some comfort here
today. If so, please E-Mail me and share
your testimony


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