Kobe Brown Spotted Bengal


This is Kobe a brown spotted Bengal Cat.
Kobe was born September 11, 2006 and adopted in December of 2006 at the age of 11 weeks. Kobe is a real sweetheart. He does not care much for being held but does enjoy jumping up on my shoulders whenever he can get the chance. He likes being petted and loves playing with just about any type of ball and he plays fetch occasionally. He likes anything shiny and is attracted to shadows including his own! this is funny to watch..... him trying to catch his own shadow or one on the wall. He can often be found curled up in his hammock or stretched out flat like a bear rug on top of the furniture somewhere just hanging out. He loves his girls Chloe' and Liberty.....such a good brother! :-)

Kobe Just Born

Kobe 6 weeks old

Kobe 6 weeks old

Kobe 3 months old

Kobe 3 months old

Kobe 3 months old

Kobe 3 months old

Kobe 3 months old

Kobe 3 months old

Kobe 3 months old

Kobe playing

Kobe 11 months old

Kobe 1 year old

Kobe 1 year old

Kobe 1 year old

Kobe 15 months old

Kobe and Liberty....what a good big brother!

Kobe and Liberty

Kobe and Liberty

Kobe and Liberty December 2007

Kobe yawning or laughing?

Kobe with his toy


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