
Welcome to my little piece of the world. The summer for the most part is over now. Of course one wouldn't know it by the temperature here in NC. It has been one busy summer, and the fall looks just as packed!

Here you will find a little about my children and grandchildren; a little about homeschooling; a lot about my genealogy; and some graphics.

I've been updating and changing pages at all my sites in the last few days. I thought that I should be using my own graphics, seeing as I had designed them!

Leave a note in the guestbook so I know you've been here and what your thoughts are about this site. I would enjoy hearing from you


I've moved the graphics to a new site. There are a lot of new items I've added. Be sure to check it out

The newest award, received 10 Aug 1998. I'm very honored to receive this award for the graphics I've created. Thanks Chris!!! 10 Aug 1998

Please visit Frederick Lewis Cristman of Salisbury NC. Lets bring our men home where they belong!





Other Pages I Host

  Southern Sears
Looking for the surname SEARS in the south. This site is dedicated to them

  Lee County NCGenWeb
Lee County web page, part of the USGenWeb Project

Montogomery County NCGenWeb
Montogomery County web page, part of the USGenWeb Project



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Starting Point

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The HTML Writers Guild

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Updated 7 Aug 1998