1998 Program

Jan   9    El Nino (Headlines)
           Our Worthy Lecturer shared much information, with handouts, about 
           this weather phenomenon that has dominated the headlines of late.  
           Even though El Nino is considered a Pacific anomoly, he shared 
           some of the potential repercussions to the East coast.
Jan  23    When Disaster Strikes (Open House)
           The Emergency Management Director of our Grange's home town 
           joined us for the evening.  She told of the town's plan of action 
           should disaster strike.  The means of notifying the residents and 
           exactly what the town's emergency services duties and actions 
           would be was also shared with us.  A most enjoyable and 
           informative evening.  We only wish that more of the town's people 
           could have been with us.

Feb  13    Star Island (Legacy of Stewardship)
           The Isles of Shoals were the focus of this program. The geography
           and history of the islands was presented by the Worthy Lecturer 
           and his wife.  In addition to the books and handouts which they
           had, they showed us a video telling of one of the legends of the
           Isles and another documentary video.  All in all, we forgot for a
           short while, the weather outside.
Feb  27    Agriculture & Wildlife
           Two members of the local Garden Club joined us for the evening. 
           They shared with us the growth and structure of the club, which 
           was chartered just 3 years ago.  They also told of some of their 
           completed projects and some of the club's plans for future 
           projects.  A most enjoyable evening.

Mar  13    St. Patrick's Day Program
           An evening of fun and games, Irish style, was tonight's theme.  
           We all dressed in varying shades of green and were greeted
           with "buttons" to wear.  After several people kissed "the Blarney
           Stone", trivia was shared, quizzed and other games played.
Mar  16    Bowling Roll-Offs
           Six of our members went to the bowling roll offs and three of
           them will be bowling in the finals - John McColley, Andrew Savage
           and Lucia Savage.
           Congratulations and good luck to you all! 
Mar  27    Youth Night
           Tonight, we had visitors from 6 Granges for our Youth Night. They
           were:  Arlington, Chester, Danville, Golden Rod, Hampton Falls
           Sandown Jr. Grange and 1 guest for a total of 19 visitors.
           The young people filled the chairs for the evening so some of us 
           got the night off.
           Our Youth Chairman, Norman Brandt, was in charge of the program
           this evening. It was first time he had ever done anything like
           this and he did a fine job.  We had a cooking demonstration of
           some foreign cookies (and they were good!), listened to some 
           spring music and played some spring related games. Well done,
           Norman. The young people were also in charge of refreshments and
           clean up as well. The future is looking pretty good if these kids
           are any indication.
Mar  29    Bowling Championships Lakeside Lanes, Manchester
           Our three bowlers represented us well and had a great time, but
           alas, they brought home no trophies.  Better luck next year.

Apr   8    Entertain Pomona (Instruction)
Apr  10    Instruction - First Degree
           We worked the first degree on Gabrielle T. Ellis and coinciden-
           tally for the Deputy, Marie Hall.  After we obligated the second
           degree, the meeting was turned over to Marie for our spring 
           Instruction.  Marie had a unique and very pleasant (and 
           informative for some) method for sharing the instructions with
           us this year.  We all learned something this year.  We also dis-
           cussed the display to be placed in the public library for Grange 
Apr  19-25 Grange Week
           Our Treasurer and her family gathered the items needed and set up 
           the display at the public library.  They did a fine job
           and all of us at Wingold do thank them. 
Apr  24    Home Economics
           As this reporter was unable to attend the meeting, the report
           is in the process of being prepared by another and will be 
           posted as soon as it is ready.

May   2    Ham & Bean Supper (5-7 PM)
           This is the first dinner that we have served in almost two years.
           Thanks to our wonderful Ways and Means Chairman, Don Ross, who
           organized us all, the dinner was a success.  We served over 50
           people, and expect there to be a larger crowd at the next one.
May   8    Membership & Deaf Activities
           Tonight, we obligated the third degree and worked the fourth de-
           gree on Gabrielle Ellis.  It's hard to decide who was more 
           excited, Gabby or the rest of the membership.  Welcome, Gabby. 
           You are indeed a fine addition and fun sister.  While we don't 
           usually have a program when we do degree work, the Deaf 
           Activities Chairman gave us a brief history of sign language and 
           had some handouts with tips on determining hearing loss.  The 
           Chaplain presented the first portion of a  Recoginition Ceremony, 
           which will be concluded at our Past Masters Night.
May  22    America's Banner
           Due to this meeting being so close to the observed Memorial Day, 
           our Lecturer presented a program about our nation's flag.  In-
           cluded were a skit, presented by our Treasurer and Steward, 
           explaining the Pledge of Allegiance, tips on the proper care,
           display and disposal of the flag along with several inspirational
May  30    Ham & Bean Supper (5-6:30 PM)
           We served about the same number of dinners tonight as we had at 
           the first dinner, but we made a larger profit (fewer supplies to
           be purchased).  Once again, due to the organization of our Ways &
           Means Chairman, things went along smoothly -- even though Don
           got called in to work unexpectedly.  Great work, Don! One more 
           for this season. This is a great way to keep our presence in 
           the public's eye and help the Treasury as well.  

Jun  12    Memorial Service (Chaplain)
           Our Chaplain presented a program to honor, not only our members
           who have departed this year, but also the departed military men
           and women.  We had a reading on the history of Memorial Day and a
           reflection on immortality. Then the Chaplain placed a green fern
           on the Bible to represent immortality, followed by placing a 
           flower for each member who passed away during the last year.  One 
           more flower was then placed for all other departed members and
           one for all of the military departed.  The program closed with
           a Memorial Day prayer.
Jun  26    Strawberry Festival - Past Masters Night
           The Lecturer has us all walking down memory lane with a list of 
           inventions, which we had to put in chronological order. 
           Fortunately, we were in groups to do this, with 50+ year 
           members teamed with under 20 year olds.  Not even one group got 
           them all correct.  A fun and informative exercise.  The reports 
           of the Recognition Ceremony were then heard, some with tears.  
           Those who were unable to give the final report were asked to 
           bring it to the cook out in August.
Jun  27    Ham & Bean Supper (5-6:30 PM)
           This time we served about 70 people and our profits were in the 
           neighborhood of $125.  We will get the final tally at our meeting 
           in September.  While this is the last one for us this year, it is 
           such a wonderful way to keep us in the public's eye and fosters 
           great team work, it will once again become an annual fundraiser.  
           We want to thank all who helped and all who came to share the 
           meal with us.  We especially want to thank Don Ross, our Ways 
           and Means Chairman, for organizing us and keeping us going 

           Jun, Jul and/or August - Car Wash

Aug  15    Cookout at Master's (parents') house
           A small group of us, due to many varied summer schedules,
           got together for a wonderful time.  Good food, good weather and
           great company.  Hopefully more will be able to share this summer
           event with us next year.

Sep  11    Election of Officers
           Tonight, we had our election of officers.  We filled all of the 
           offices and we will even have some members to sit on the side-
           lines this year.  We also received an application for membership 
           tonight and will be working the first degree on him at the next 
Sep  25    Inspection - First Degree
           Tonight, we worked the First Degree, for Deputy Inspection with 
           our Deputy, Marie Hall.  The degree was worked on Lawrence Brandt.  
           Seems like it was just yesterday that LK was a brand new baby and 
           now he is our newest brother.  Welcome, LK.  Due to some 
           scheduling conflicts, we voted to change our next meeting from 
           Oct. 9th to the 16th and the opening for this meeting to 8 PM. 

Oct  14    Entertain Pomona (Inspection)
Oct  16    Installation of Officers (Special Time-8 PM)
           Our own Brother Donald R. Ross and his suite very ably Installed
           our new slate of officers for the next year.  This was the first 
           time that Don had installed our Grange and he did an impressive
           job.  Thanks Don, for a job well done.  Our second meeting in 
           October is cancelled because State Grange takes place the same 
Oct  23    No Meeting
Oct  22-25 State Grange
           State Grange this year, as always, was productive, impressive 
           and fun.  Since this year was also Election of Officers, there 
           was an air of excitment concerning who would be elected and what 
           changes would be made.  We at Wingold are proud to announce that 
           our own Donald R. Ross, PM was elected Gatekeeper of the NH State 
           Grange and Carolyn J. Ross, PM was elected Pomona of the NH State 
           Grange.  Jeanne Higgins, PM, was once again appointed Special 
           Pomona Deputy and Joann E. Brandt, PM was appointed to the State 
           Home Economics Committee.  (For those of you outside of NH, this 
           Committee fulfills the same responsibilities as the Women's 
           Activities Committee, but here in NH, we acknowledge that the 
           skills and crafts of the home are not the realm of women only and 
           have retained the title "Home Economics Committee", recognizing 
           both men and women.) Our last year's Deputy, Marie Hall, PM, of 
           Hampton Falls Grange was elected Flora of the NH State Grange. 
           Congratulations to our sisters and brother and to all of the 
           newly elected and appointed people who will help guide this State 
           Grange for the next two years.

Nov  13    Thanksgiving Program
           In the absence of our Lecturer, the Chaplain presented the 
           program.  Our Secretary read "From a 1936 proclamation by CT 
           Governor Wilbur L.Cross" declaring November 26 "... a day of 
           Public Thanksgiving".  "Let us give thanks for a bounty of 
           people." by Max Coots, Canton New York was read to us by our 
           Assistant Steward.  We then had a candle lighting ceremony in 
           which we lit a candle for Thanksgivings past, then each in turn 
           a candle for our own thanks and finally, with a reading "Everyday 
           Thanksgiving", a candle for this current and all future 
           Thanksgivings. The program closed with all singing "The Harvest 
           Hymn" (known to some as "Come Ye Thankful People, Come")
Nov  27    No Meeting
Nov  30    Planning Meeting

Dec  11    Holiday Party
           In keeping with the party atmosphere, we sang Christmas carols 
           and learned the meaning of some holiday traditions through 
           readings presented by our Lecturer. After a beautiful solo 
           presentation of "How Great Thou Art" by Don Ross, we then 
           exchanged gifts and cards. Following the meeting, at refreshments,
           the party continued with much love and fellowship shared by all.  
           We all agreed that, although there were a few sad times, this 
           year had been a good year.
Dec  25    No Meeting

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