Antique Comb Collectors Club International

Antique Comb Collectors Club International (AC3I)

full head shot of comb
(Last Update: 05/23/02)

The annual Board meeting just adjorned and we are looking at places for the 2003 Convention. If you haven't been to an ACCCI convention yet, you don't know what you are missing. The private sales, the displays from around the world, the expert speakers who are tops in their fields and much much more. You will find out the latest methods of preservation of celluloid to prevent "the disease", best ways to catalog your collection, best ways to wear your collection (Shon Miller can even show people how to wear a comb with only 1" of hair!!) What are you waiting for? Join today!

We are always looking for new and exciting information for the newsletter. If you have seen the new format of the newsletter, you will know that Mary B. and Belva G. have put in a LOT of work to make it extraordinary. There are now color pages, the page size is ideal for archive and the material is still (as always) first class. Both of them deserve awards for all their hard work. If you have an article idea, email me and I will get back with you. We want to know what the membership wants to read and learn about. Also, if you are interested in having an article submitted for publication, let us know.

We have had a volunteer step forward to help me with the website. Please stay tuned for a better format, more links and even more information. I hope to keep the updated convention material right here on the website so that everyone has access to the most current information. If you haven't started planning on attending, don't wait another minute. April 2003 (place to be determined) is going to be the date to remember. They just keep getting better and better! You don't want to miss another one.

horn comb
celluloid with metal applique

Brought to you by Darcy Ysseldyke, Treasurer of the AC3I

Tortoise Fan Comb

Antique Comb Collector Club International (ACCCI) Member Benefits Include:

  1. Past issues of the ANTIQUE COMB COLLECTOR have included advertisements, tips on the care of comb materials (i.e. celluloid, horn, tortoise shell, etc.); assistance in dating combs via pictured examples; illustrated trademark and patent information on specific items; publications that may be purchased and reviews of books found in libraries.
  2. Pictures showing how combs were worn. Regional prices for combs often appear in the "Market Column". Convention news, articles about members and their comb collections and interesting histories often appear. A new member service includes questions to the editor to be answered by experts.
  3. Members are entitled to one free advertisement per year. A roster was developed to help members independently communicate with each other. An annual index of topics helps to research personal interests in back issues, which may be available.
  4. Membership dues are nominal, only $25.00 a year with options for families, groups and more. For your money, you have access to all the research that the club and its members have done to date. Can you think of a better way to use money for your collection?

    Links to other Comb Sites

    1. Sarah's comb page This club member has a fantastic page about combs
    2. Sparacio Matchsafe Home Page Find out some history on matchsafes from a Comb Club member
    3. For those with long hair and their admirers An exceptional site brought to you by a member of the AC3I
    4. Grip-Tuth The website of the original Grip-Tuth side combs. Good Hair Days is a member of the ACCCI. Check them out!
    5. BBC Antiques Website A collage of antiques for the people who enjoy them
    6. African Comb Website See the artifacts that Wayne has up for "show and sell"
    7. eBay Auction Enter the keyword "comb" into the search box and have fun. Please note that the ACCCI is not connected to Ebay in anyway. With any auction, you are buying at your own risk and you may be overbid at any time. Please read the details before bidding and ask questions if you have them.
      Elizabeth's Combs

      Page Created by:  Darcy

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