Our Photos

Please be patient as our photos load up. Mom tried to decrease the file sizes so they'd appear faster. :)

We're not identical so it's usually easy to tell us apart. Joey is the one with the Oxygen cannula (early pics) and trachtube(later pics). Mom always seats Joey on the left in our studio pics because he was born first so it's easier to remember who's who! She also mentions our actual age and our adjusted age in each picture. Because we were so premature, our growth and development is measured by our age adjusted according to our due date not our actual birthdate. So in some of our pictures we have a 'negative' adj. age. :)


We're home and finally together again at 2.5 months. We weigh around 7 lbs and we weren't due to arrive for two more weeks!











Believe it or not these are preemie outfits! Weren't we chubby little guys!












We're past our due date now and weigh over 8 lbs each!







Jake's flying solo again while Joey is back in the hospital.




This picture was taken just a couple weeks after Joey had his trachtube put in. He was still on oxygen then but we took it off for a few seconds so they could snap the picture. Jake was 3 inches taller and three pounds heavier than Joey then. Now there is 2 ounces and less than an inch difference in their heights and weights!

The tubes that Joey has connected to his trach are part of a ventilation system called C-PAP. This provides a constant minimum pressure so that his lungs always are slightly expanded. This helps him to inhale and exhale better.





More Photos......





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