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Mizoo Kennels

          Mizoo Kennels is owned by Christine, Harry, and Michael Cameron of Amity, MO. They are home to a resident "zoo", including cats, rabbits, fowl, an Ibizan hound, an Australian Sheepdog, and several Keeshonds; all of the above are quality animals, and several are either titled or producers of titled get.

CH. Luckee The Fat lady Sings

Davallia's Journey to Mars

         Michael has added to the confusion by acquiring Sassy:

CH. S'N'S Overnight Sensation
(S'N'S Ogre and Ogre Again x CH. Trevilian's Tammy Faye Barkker)

              Sassy is finished now, but she has yet to forgive us for dragging her out off her comfortable couch and putting her on display! Sassy is a confirmed TV buff, and is much happier with her paws on the remote and her buddy Michael beside her (preferably with a brimming bowl of popcorn!) Sassy is shown reluctantly finishing, whereupon we fulfilled our promise and she is now free to stop sulking and balking and can simply gorge herself on Orville Redenbacher to her heart's content.

More photos to follow. Come back and see us soon!