kish3dname.gif (5298 bytes)


Ok, I am a skater. Guess you can tell by the graphics. (and I like to color red) I like punk music. A great place to get punk music is at Tooth and Nail. Check it out.

Here are some pictures of me skating.(If you wanna see 'em bigger, just click on the little one)

ME Clearning the can

kishup1.jpg (126563 bytes) Skatin' late......

Click to see the "BIG picture

I have gone thru a load of boards lately so I am slumin lately with this one! ParentS wont buy anymore for awhile. It's a LOOOOOOOOOSER!

I have also put up some links to pretty good skating stuff.


Me and my Squeeze (Leanne)

kishandleanne.gif (213820 bytes)

skateboard wheel Skating accessories and other stuff; lots of it
buttonkishwheel.gif (8746 bytes) Shorty's (one of my Favorites)

pUnK MUsIc aS fOR MUsiC, The oNlY WAy to Go is wiTh pUNk

what da deli yo!?

Oh yeah, I am from a dinky little town in Texas called "Schertz" Yeah, yeah, I know, it's right next to pants. Well, close! Actually, it is close to San Antonio; ever heard of the "alamo"! That's the place.