Sue Ann

My name is Sue Ann.
I am 16 years old and a Junior in high school.
I have an older brother, Bill.
My brother and I are extremely close, he is a part of me.
My mom and dad are also an important part of me.
I thank them for who I am today.

I love music, especially the Monkees.
I also love art, in all forms.
I plan to become and artist. I love to draw people and animals.
I also love oil painting with my mom.
She has given me all of my confidence to draw.

Friendship means alot to me. We always enjoy each other.
I am a very sensitive person and
get hurt sometimes because I care so much about them.
I hold my friends dear. I love their company.
I also love my boyfriend, he's my best friend.

I love animals and have a cat, Friskee, right now.
I had a cat, Puffy before she had kittens,
but she died after they were born.
I had a hampster, Packy, and a rabbit too.

I suppose I am a very self-conscious person,
always wondering what other students will think of my actions.
Then I am a child who loves to be loud and blow bubbles, and act silly.
I don't worry what other people think outside of school.
I don't goof off here because my grades mean too much.

I am always there for friends even if they aren't always there for me.
I believe strongly in God. I was brought up as a Christian.
I have strict morals and nothing would make me alter them.
I am optomistic and hate to be mad or
upset or see someone that way, especially a friend.

I get along well with my friends and family.
I don't put people down and can't stand when people do.
I care about people and always hope they care as much about me.

Sue Ann wrote this article when she was 16 years old. I can tell you that she is basically the same person today as she was then. She is a caring and loving Christian woman now with two children of her own. Oh, she married that boyfriend she wrote about. We love him so much. His name is Robert. Their children are Brandon and Rayanna.
I didn't tell you she was an artist too. Well, one of her drawings was picked to send to Russia for an art exchange program with students there, so I'm not kidding when I say she was good.
Friskee her cat? Well, she is still with us.
Today, Sue Ann values friendship, family and God more than anything in life. She has brought so much happiness to me and my husband.
Oh! we thank God for her! Not only is she my daughter but she is my dear friend.


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