My New York Adventure

Well, I'm home. The project is done. Everything went well and the customer is happy. Not much more could be expected. I created the win-win for both my company and the client...

We had our project blowout party yesterday. Went to NY City for the day. 12 of us from the project (plus 3 reps, total 15) made the trek into the city.

We went to the Statue of Liberty first, well, only 9 of us went there (the others bailed out and went to a museum). Cold, real cold. 6 of us made to the top of the statue... what a site! Spectacular; However, I wouldn't do it again and NEVER EVER in the summer! We made it up and down 392 steps (22 stories) in 45 minutes... there's a sign at the start that says 3 hours to the top from that point if there is a line. On a warm day not only would there be longer lines... but in the belly of that statue it would get quite ripe. It's one way on the stairs. They're tiny and you can't turn back once you start... no place for wimps :-)

Then we had dinner at Carmine's in the city. Nice place. Expensive and not worth it I thought. For 13 at dinner the bill had to be around $850. We're talking $40-70 dollar dinner plates that would feed a small village in china. We had 7 dinner plates at least. Appetizers, entree's, etc. made for a heckuva meal. Good beverages too.

Then we went to see Lou Diamond Phillips in the broadway show, The King and I. Nice play if you like that sort of stuff. Me, I liked the music, the singing, but didn't care to follow the story too much. I'm just a country boy and this high-fashion, big-dollar evening just ain't my cup-o-tea. But, I liked it.

I tallied up my stats for the year (thus far), this includes the WHOLE year:
133 nights in hotel (127 in Courtyard Marriott)
60 flights (57 on Delta)
Let's see. That's 365/3 = 121.xx

I spent more than a THIRD of the year away from home! But, that's the business of progress.:-)

I thought you might find that interesting.

Love you all,



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