Beth & Ron Lawrence
25072 Park Rd. P.O. Box 80
Baldwin, Ont. L0E 1A0

We are just 35 minutes north of Markham, or a hour from Toronto, just off Highway #48 or Markham Rd.

Thank You you for stopping in. We hope that you enjoy our pictures and find our information interesting just click on one of the links below.

At Schattentier we have had almost two decades of wonderful success with our dogs, and have enjoyed being Pedigree and the CKC's Standard Schnauzer Breeder of the year for 2 of the last 3 years.

Home Page
Our Kennel
New Champions
Temperament and Abilities
Grooming and Exercise Requirements
Diseases, Size, and Life Expectancy
Guarantee and Directions
Brags and Links

puppie pictures Puppies pictured here are about 5 weeks old and are from our very first litter.

Our Daughter Vicki her son Jon and 2 puppies The whole family is involved in raising our puppies. Here our daughter Vicki holds 2 week old puppies with her son Jon looking on.

This is Bently at GKOC winning a Best Puppy in Show

Our Bently, pictured here at 6 months old, This was a nice 2 point win in his first show Nov, 2007.

K9 Excel Dog Supplies

Home Page Our Kennel New Champions Temperament and Abilities Grooming and Exercise Requirements Diseases, Size, and Life Expectancy Guarantee and Directions Other Pictures Studdogs Brags and Links