Recently I visited a second hand store in Parkersburg, Wood County, WV.
While there, I picked up an old scrap book!

On the top left corner of the front is hand written "Pictures of "53".
The front cover is heavy paper with a picture of an "Old Dutch Mill" centered in a gold picture frame.

I believe the original owner to have been from Monroe County OH and possibly a member of the "Fellowship Hall" in Lewisville, OH.

There were several newspaper clippings inside (most without dates)
A baptism certificate dated September 19, 1937, for Joan Faye RUBLE
A business school certificate dated November 15, 1956 for Joan RUBEL
AND a 1955 "Monroe High Journal" (Sept - Oct)

To see more details follow the links below

Monroe High Journal 1955

Anniversaries, Birthdays, Company Awards

Obituaries, Deaths, etc

Monroe High Journal (1955)

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