"Cat Oracles"

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A house without a cat, and a well-fed, well-petted, and properly revered cat, may be a perfect house, perhaps, but how can it prove it's title?
~ Mark Twain

There's no need for a piece of sculpture in a home that has a cat.
~ Wesley Bates

A cat that lives with a good family is used to being talked to all the time.
~ Lettice Cooper

...when I returned home at night, he was pretty sure to be waiting for me near the gate, and would rise and saunter along the walk, as if his being there were purely accidental.
~ Charles Dudley Warner

You opened a door for her if she crossed the room and gave you a look. She made you know what she meant as if she had the gift of speech.
~ Sarah Orne Jewett

He's very light when he lies on your knees, and very heavy when I carry him into the kitchen in the evenings to prevent him from sleeping on my bed.
~ Colette

All cats are possessed of a proud spirit, and the surest way to forfeit the esteem of a cat is to treat him as an inferior being.
~ Michael Joseph

...the phrase "domestic cat" is an oxymoron.
~ George Will

It doesn't do to be sentimental about cats; the best ones don't respect you for it...
~ Susan Howatch

I have noticed that what cats most appreciate in human beings is not the ability to produce food, which they take for granted - but his or her entertainment value.
~ Geoffrey Household

A cat is there when you call her - if she doesn't have something better to do.
~ Bill Adler

Cats are absolute individuals, with their own ideas about everything, including the people they own.
~ John Dingman

...every cat is a great story within itself.
~ Louis J. Camuti,DVM

I have just been given a very engaging Persian kitten...and his opinion is that I have been given to him.
~ Evelyn Underhill

Cats have magic, but in stubborn cases it takes a little time for their magic to make itself felt.
~ Jessamyn West

A charm of cats is that they seem to live in a world of their own, just as much as if it were a real dimension of space.
~ Harriet Prescott Spofford

...most cats, most of the time, have already met everybody they care to meet.
~ Cleveland Amory

When my cats aren't happy, I'm not happy. Not because I care about their mood but because I know they're just sitting there thinking up ways to get even.
~ Penny Ward Moser

...cats...have a mystery.
~ John Simon

It always gives me a shiver when I see a cat seeing what I can't see.
~ Eleanor Farjeon

The cat pretends to sleep, the better to see...
~ Francois-Auguste-Rene`de Chateaubriand

Always the cat remains a little beyond the limits we try to set for him in our blind folly.
~ Andre Norton

Prowling his own quiet backyard or asleep by the fire, he is still only a whisker away from the wilds.
~ Jean Burden

I want to create a cat like the real cats I see crossing the streets, not like those you see in houses. They have nothing in common.
~ Pablo Picasso

Cats do not need to be shown how to have a good time, for they are unfailingly ingenious in that respect.
~ James Mason

...the cat, released, leaped and perched on her shoulder; his tail swung like a baton conducting rhapsodic music.
~ Truman Capote

No one can have experienced to the fullest the true sense of achievement and satisfaction who has never pursued and successfully caught his tail.
~ Rosalind Welcher

...a morning kiss, a discreet touch of his nose landing somewhere on the middle of my face. Because his long white whiskers tickled, I began every day laughing.
~ Janet F. Faure

When I'm discouraged, he's empathy incarnate, purring and rubbing to telegraph his dismay.
~ Catheryn Jakobson

How many cold and lonely midnights have been warmed by the simple presence of this small being, whose affection pervades our solitude?
~ Carl Van Vechten

...it was difficult to feel vexed by a creature that burst into a chorus of purring as soon as I spoke to him.
~ Philip Brown

A cat can be trusted to purr when she is pleased, which is more than can be said for human beings.
~ William Ralph Inge

...human beings, for one reason or another, may hide their feelings, but a cat does not.
~ Ernest Hemingway

There she sat...a small but alert package of fur, sniffing the welcome summer air, seeing all, and knowing all.
~ Lillian Jackson Braun

Cats refuse to take the blame for anything...including their own sins.
~ Elizabeth Peters

The problem of cat versus bird is as old as Time.
~ Adlai E. Stevenson

She could never be made to comprehend the great difference between fur and feathers, nor see why her mistress should gravely reprove her when she brought in a bird, and warmly commend when she captured a mouse.
~ Harriet Beecher Stowe

The cat does not negotiate with the mouse.
~ Robert K. Massie

A kitten is a thing apart; and many people who lack the discriminating enthusiasm for cats...are won over easily, and cajoled out of their prejudice by the...wiles of kittenhood.
~ Agnes Repplier

Young kittens assume that all other animals are cats, approach them with jaunty friendliness, and invite them to play.
~ Muriel Beadle

...one mouse in seven escapes by his dallying.
~ Christopher Smart

A child is a person who can't understand why someone would give away a perfectly good kitten.
~ Doug Larson

Why people would prefer a wet cat to a dry one I have never been able to understand; but that a wet cat is practically sure of being taken in and gushed over...is an undoubted fact.
~ Jerome K. Jerome

Of all animals (the cat) alone attains to the Contemplative Life. He regards the wheel of existence from without, like the Buddha.
~ Andrew Lang

...human beings can learn a great deal about relaxation from watching a cat, who doesn't just lie down when it it time to rest, but pours his body on the floor and rests in every nerve and muscle.
~Murray Robinson

Are cats lazy? Well, more power to them if they are. Which one of us has not entertained the dream of doing just as he likes, when and how he likes, and as much as he likes?
~ Fernand Mery

He seems the incarnation of everything soft and silky and velvety, without a sharp edge in his composition, a dreamer whose philosophy is sleep and let sleep.
~ SAKI(Hector Hugh Munro)

What sort of philosophers are we, who know nothing of the origin and destiny of cats?
~ Henry David Thoreau

Drowsing, they take the noble attitude of a great sphinx, who...sleeps always, dreaming dreams that have no end.
~ Charles Pierre Baudelaire

...it is better, under certain circumstances, to be a cat than to be a duchess...no duchess of the realm ever had more faithful retainers or half so abject subjects.
~ Helen M. Winslow

It had been a privilege just to room with that cat.
~ Carsten Stroud

Cat lovers can readily be identified. Their clothes always look old and well used. Their sheets look like bath towels and the bath towels look like a collection of knitting mistakes.
~ Eric Gurney

We found comfort in his affection...which was unquestioning as long as you kept the tuna coming.
~ Phillis LaFarge

They're the most graceful, sinuous, sexy truly sensuous creatures in the world.
~ Carol Lawrence

...every cat is really the most beautiful woman in the room.
~ E. V. Lucas

To respect the cat is the beginning of the aesthetic sense.
~ Erasmus Darwin

It's an honour to paint cats.
~ Oliver Johnson

There are people who like to be alone when they read and people who prefer the company of cats.
~ Georgia Dullea

...cats are the wise man's best companions, for they respect his studious hours.
~ Anatole France

There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life: music and cats.
~ Albert Schweitzer

Cats are intended to teach us that not everything in nature has a function.
~ Garrison Keillor

The cat has too much spirit to have no heart.
~ Ernest Menault