Cybil followed my husband Mike into the house from the mailbox about 5 weeks ago. What was one supposed to do, she made her little self at home within the first hour. Cybil was not in very good shape so took her to the Veterinarians for worming, spaying, vaccinations, and an awful case of Ear Mites. Cybil is still being treated for the Mites. Mr.BoJangles is on one of his usual pouts, and The Little Girl and Cybil just play and play. They love to chase Mr.BoJangles up and down the stairs of which I don't approve, but when they are playing with balls, rattle mice and interactive toys, they are both darling together. Below are the first pictures we have of Cybil. Now Cybil appears to be chasing some with Mr.BoJangles...I hope this continues as Mr.Bo really needs to lose weight!

Kitten On The Keys...

Cybil playing with Windows 95...

What is this funny arrow...

I just love sleeping in this basket...

I also love to sleep in the computer desk...

This is Asia, who was another sister
for 3 days. Asia was adopted by another Mum.

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