butterfly pic    Mommy's Spot   butterfly pic

Being a stay-at-home-Mommy with three wonderful kids, I understand that sometimes we all need a little advice, a new idea or opinion, and sometimes just some stimulating "grownup" conversation...

I know you've had those days when these little people

cute boy pic  cute baby pic  cute girl pic

Make you feel DOG TIRED? ...... weary dog pic

It is for this reason I advocate "Mom's Day Off," during which Mom (that's me) wipes nothing, changes nothing, feeds nobody but herself, and does whatever suits her fancy. Meanwhile, Dad takes care of the wiping, changing, feeding, fight breaking, tantrum taming, head patting, AND question answering. This happens once or twice a month ;-).

On this HOLIDAY I usually go to yard sales til my feet ache, being extremely picky. I might even go out for lunch so I can use the potty alone and eat before my food gets cold. Then there is always the old standby of sitting in an abandoned spot (ANYPLACE) just to watch grass grow or cars go by or read a romance novel (ALL of it).


So here are my favorite places to Mommy Surf.

Moms Online the best "Mom Chat" you can get.
Sesame Street's Parents' Page    Kraft Food's Interactive Kitchen
Parents Place    Home and Garden Television
The Environmental Protection Agency    Lifetime for Women

cute mouse "I hope you feel better now ... :-) "

Mommy's Job

Remember that they are a gift from God,
even when their behavior sings a different tune.
Cherish every coo, every sleepless sharing, every sticky hand print on the glass,
because one day they'll learn to wash their hands.
See them as individuals not as an extension of yourself.
Teach them to learn new things, to appreciate themselves,
to love unconditionally, and to look for God everywhere.
Remember that they learn best by example.
When they face difficulties allow them to stand on their own two feet,
not alone but with you holding their hand for support.
Remember that when you are frustrated with them,
they are frustrated with you also.
Approach discipline with logic, not emotion,
so that they will learn to accept their mistakes not hate themselves.
And above all, love them like God loves Jesus, accept them like Christ
did the cross, and sing their praises like the angels sing in heaven.

by Arkhick

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