Chat Recipes for November 9

These are the companion recipes for my food chat on November 9, 1998. Please go back to find other chat dates and directions to the chat. Most of these I made for our chat party in 1997, if you'd like to see the menu. I have, however, tried all of these at one time or another.

Dim Sum! Glorious dim sum! I have yet to meet one I haven't liked!! Dim sum means "a point on the heart", but to those who have tried it, it means AWESOME food!! For those of you who know me, you know this is my weakness. I create a dimsum feast for New Year's Eve every year for the past 8 years. It's a tradition I have started and plan to continue! We also celebrate Chinese New Year's with tons of dim sum (no, I'm not Chinese, I'm Italian and Portuguese!!) and other glorious Chinese dishes. You must be thinking "what a lunatic!". Ah, you are right...when you have tasted dim sum from a teahouse in Chinatown, then you know why I am in love. You can do this at home...and I will teach you how!!

Take your time when you attempt these. Most are easier then it sounds, and in no time you can be making dimsum house quality food!

Basic Shrimp Filling*
Baked Bun Dough
Baked Pork Buns*
Char Siu Bao (different variation)
Chinese Chicken Livers
Chinese Pork Sausage Buns (different variation)
Egg Noodle Dough
Ginger Soy Sauce
Hot Mustard*
Hot Oil
Patti's Dumplings*
Patti's DimSum Dip*
Patti's Vegetable Dumplings*
Pearl Balls*
Pork Shu-Mei
Roast Pork*
Scallion Oil*
Shrimp Balls*
Shrimp Boats
Shrimp Toast
Spicy Ribs
Spring Rolls
Steamed Beef Dumplings*
Steamed Bun Dough*
Steamed Rice Noodles
Steamed Sausage Buns*
Vinegar Soy Sauce*
Wheat Starch Dough
* indicates recipes I've used and love

Please join me at for this special chat, on November 9. I look forward to seeing you there!

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