Guild Events
Guild events are held each week.

Every Monday-No event holders at this time if you wish to volunteer for this night icq me.

Every Tuesday-6-7 Pm (PST) Guild treasure hunts level 3-4, or a hunt to a dungeon. Red Beard, our shakan will be leading this nights event.

Every Wednesday-No event holder at this time if you wish to volunteer for this night icq me.

Every Thursdays-Guild hunt  5-7 Pm (PST)to a dungeon ICQs will be sent out 2 days before the hunt to tell where we will be going. I will be leading this hunt.

Every Friday-No Event holder at this time if you wish to volunteer for this night ICQ me.

Every Saturday- could be a hunt, a Capture the Flag event, or a tournament. Time and place will be ICQed to everyone 2 days before the event. If it is a tournament it will be ICQed out a week in advance.

Every Sunday-7 pm Another guild hunt to a dungeon place will be ICQed out 2 days before the hunt.

Special Events (1 time only)

In the tournaments you may not use Magic Weapons/armor, Dragons,(any fighting animal is not allowed). Mages: No mass harming spells like firewall, or energy vortex are allowed. Potions are allowed, DP weapons are allowed. If the fight is going on too long (which it tends to do in warrior vs warrior fights) then I will call a no heal rule. Anyone who heals after that is disqualified.
*Note guild events will be held sometime between 5-7 pm (PST). Lord hunter will let everyone know about 1-3 days before the hunt.*