Ranks of GOH

Guardian Of Honor (Guildmaster). Held by Lord hunter and Lord hunter alone.


A Guardian. The highest rank that any Honor Guard can hope to achieve. If Lord hunter can not be contacted, they are in charge. There is no rank above this other then the Guildmaster's.

Cheif Honor Guard. One of the hardest ranks to get, there will only be two people that achieve this rank. The two people at this rank will have control of Squads in GOH. In each squad there will be: 1 Chief Honor Guard who answers to the Guildmaster and Guardians, 2 Knights Of Honor, and 3 Knight Guards. There will probaly be more members added to this squad.

Knight Of Honor. These people assist the Guardians and Chief Honor Guards whenever they need it. In order to become this rank you must be at your skill cap (700 skill), you must also have 100 (show real) skill in 4 different skills.

Knight Guard. This is the first step of being an officer. In order to become this rank you must be at your skill cap (700 skill), and you must have been in the guild for 3 weeks without having any problems.

Normal Ranks.

Honor Guard. This is a rank that most members are happiest at.

Knight. This is the first rank, given to new recruits, after 1 week you will be promoted to Honor Guard.


Guild Merchant. This is the title for all merchants in the guild, they help suplie the guild with weapons and armor. There are a few smiths who run a smithing service, it is a 24 hour smithing service. If someone needs repairs they could ICQ a smith that is in this program. There is only curently 1 smith in this program, Hack, my own smith. My ICQ is 106918170. I hope to add on to this list in the future. (Smiths will charge a small sum for making items, while repairs are free). Unfortunately I will not be available 24 hours a day :]

Guild Officer Salary

In order to have a guild salary you must either run events for the guild, donate a specific ammount of goods each week, recruit a number of people a week, be on the search and rescue list (meaning that you will go find and rez people who died somewhere). The salary ranges from 30k-100k a month. In order to become an officer you must voulunteer for one of these things listed above. The Guildmaster decides your salary. If you do not meet or you don't do the task you were given, your pay will be reduced.

The guild uniform is required at all times.
The uniform is listed below:
All members who wear armor (any kind of armor), the armor must be Shadow colored, dark blue.
Capes are not required but they are suggested.
No black on any part of your body (excluding your head and feet).
Your shoes/sandals, hats/and other head items may be any color you wish as long as they don't clash with the rest of the uniform. A guild blue sash is also required.
If you are seen by any officers or the Guildmaster, they may fine you 5k for each missing piece.
From Greatest to Least.