The Enlightened Ones.
This squad is lead by Skuln Crossbones. This is GOH's Elite squad, The rules are the same. Ranks will be different and so will the uniform. Members of this squad will answer to Skuln Crossboens our me.



The Enlightened One, leader of the enlightened ones, Skuln Crossbones.

He will eventualy have 3 assistants, They will be called "The Enlightened Lords. They will assist Skuln in any way that he needs.


Their title will be based on their skill.
Mages-Enlightened Mage
Warriors-Enlightened Warrior
Tamers/Bards-Enlightened Hunter


Merchants will have their skill in their title, Enlightened "Skill".

Too become a member of the Enlightened Ones, You must be chosen by Skuln Crossbones, You can not ask to be in this squad you are chosen. After he chooses I let him know if it is ok for you to transfer into this squad.

*Note, things will be added onto this page later on, this is a big part of the guild*