California with Suzanne and Family!

Peace arrived today at 4pm California time. It is a nice and sunny day here so she was happy to get out of her box. She was immediately warmly welcomed by Kristen who took her straight to her room to play and meet the other beanies.
Kristen also received a wonderful gift from Charlie and family which she loved very much. Right now Kristen is working on making anothere necklace for Peace to wear while Savannah (My 2 yr old) is dancing around with Peace.
Peace was also introduced to Suzann's beanie bear collection which consists of Brittania, Libearty, Maple, Garcia, Princess, Erin, Peace, NF Teddy Brown, Curly, Valentino, Cubbie, Blackie and Fortune.
Peace is now wearing the beautiful new necklace that Kristen made for her with heart beads. After dinner Peace and the girls played in the toy room. We are going to bed early tonight because there is a beanie shipment expected to be out at 9am. Gotta get there early!
Peace is off to bed with Kristen.

Today's day started early for us. We got up and left the house by 6:30am to get in the beanie line. When we got there, there was already tons of people that had been in line since 4am. Peace decided it was too cold out so she waited in the car.
From what we heard Erin, Princess, Peace and a few other beanies were available. By the time we got in the store all that was left was Peace bears. So both girls picked one. The 3 Peace's, the girls and myself drove back home to relax.
We pretty much spent most of the day at home today too tired from getting up early this morning. Peace just hung out with Kristen and Savannah and played with the new Peace's.
Hopefully tomorrow will be more fun.

Today we took Peace out shopping. We bought lots of stuff for the house and a new computer game for the girls. Kristen and Peace spent most of the day in the toy room playing Barbies.
After dinner we all sat down and watched Pocahontas. Robert made us all hot fudge sundaes. (Don't worry, none got on Peace!!)

Peace and the girls played Spice Girls today. Kristen has all of the Spice Girls dolls and the Spice World movie. They were all dancing around the living room singing! TOO FUNNY!
Peace hung out on top of the computer and helped me with my emails and trades Robert brought us home WB beanies Birthday Tweety and Talking Tweety.

Today the family and Peace went to see the movie Mulan. Peace sat in Kristens lap during the movie. Savannah fell asleep. The movie was GREAT! After the movie we came home and had dinner. Peace is sitting with Kristen. We can't wait unti tomorrow!

Happy 4th of July!! We spent most of the afternoon grocery shopping and getting ready for the fireworks show. We packed a big picnic basket, got our ice chest and went off to the stadium at the high school for the show. Peace got to meet Samantha and Danielle, Kristens cousins. We spread out the blankets, put out the chairs and kicked back and listened to the band. We snacked on sandwiches, cheese and crackers, fruit and lots of goodies.
The fireworks show started about 8:45. Savannah was a little scared. Peace sat quietly in Kristens lap. The show was great. And again....Savannah fell asleep.

Today is our last day with Peace. She is going to be missed. Savannah has been carrying around her Peace bear a lot since Peace's stay. We spent the day at home mostly cleaning. Kristen is keeping Peace close to her knowing her stay here is almost over. Peace is spending her last night with Kristen in her bed. Tomorrow she is off to Pennsylvania to stay with Denise and Family. Thank you for letting Peace stay with us.
Suzann & Kristen Thompson

On to Pennsylvania!

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