"Kiwyn's Dedication Page"

<bgsound="grow_old_with_me.mid" loop=infinite autostart=true>
You Are Listening To "Grow Old Along With Me"

           Helen Lewis

          Arthur Lewis

This homepage is dedicated to the memory of my grandparents of whom were married for 65 years before they passed away. My grandfather passed away on June 6, 1997 at the age of 87 and my grandmother joined him on April 1, 1999 at the age of 85. If you've ever heard the words to the midi on this page then you'll know that they truely lived it. They assisted us in coming up with our kennel name. You see my grandfather is welsh and our kennel name is 2 welsh words put together ('ci' meaning dog and 'gwyn' meaning white), the 'c' at the beginning was changed to a 'k' and the 'g' was dropped so that it would be pronounced right in the U.S., which is where we live.

As you might have noticed, my grandparents were very special to me and they will always have a special place in my heart. They were the type of people that won everybodies heart over in a split second.

The reason for the above symbol is my grandfather was a proud member of the masonics.

As of September 21st, 1999 the last of the 4 Welsh brothers passed away. This was my grandfather's brother. He passed away just like my grandmother, a massive heartattack during the night. May they be rejoicing together with God.

The following poem was written by my mother Carol and her sister Diane. It was read at my grandfather's funeral. The Poem below that is a poem that my grandmother had written. We had the fortune of finding it stuffed away in a cabinet. We figured she didn't want us to worry about writing a poem for her funeral and took it upon herself to write it herself. Both poems belong to their respective authors and may only be used with permission from them or thier immediate (daughters) family.

Do not stand at his grave and weep
He is not there
He does not sleep

He was the humor
In everyday life
He was the faith
In all our strife

His voice would ring
As he sang each prayer
Which gave the feeling
That God was there

He loved to watch his family grow
As each daughter became a bride
With 2 children, 5 grand and 7 great
He was filled with love and pride

He also loved the little things
Of life we often get
And mourned the loss of Buffy
Who was his favorite pet

His faith never waivered
As he got sick
He prayed that others
Would be healed real quick

A dear Husband, Dad
And grandpa too
Who had many friends
Both old and new

He is now with God
In a peaceful place
Where angels smile
Upon his face, so

Do not stand at his grave and weep
He is not there
He does not sleep

I've been so lucky
with help from above,
Also a great husband
and children to love.

Many good years
have been blissfully mine
With good health and happiness
So don't Grieve and pine.

My dear family
When we meet some day
that will be a reunion
With God to rejoice in His way.

I can only hope that they are still as proud of what we are doing with our dogs as they were before they passed. I will never forget my grandfather's last words to me in reference to our first champion Billy. He said "He's a champion". He was very ill with cancer when he said this but you could still see how proud he was to be able to say that to me.





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