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By the time most of you are reading this letter the youth at Zion will have completed several exciting activities. The Synod Youth gathering will have taken place—you may have to ask Jon Nelson and Val Veo, if the votes were in their favor. I hope congratulations are in order for both. We have also successfully completed a Treasure and Bake Sale! I am sure there will have been many "treasures" claimed and money earned for the youth events this summer.

It will soon be Easter and with the resurrection of our Lord comes many marvelous wonders and opportunities. One of those is the chance to share in the Sunrise worship service provided by the Youth here at Zion. Following that service will be a breakfast also served by the Youth. You are cordially and warmly welcomed to begin your day with us.

If you have a chance Easter morning, try to taste our "Butter Braids". This is our next adventure in service and fundraising. We will be selling them for the first half of the month and deliveries will be made the first week in May. This is a frozen pastry product that is easy to make and delicious to eat. We will try to have samples here several Sundays in April.

The Junior Disciples will be having a swimming outing this month. Watch the bulletin for more information.


Middle School students keep your eyes on the sky! We will be having a chance to fly in May. Stay alert and be prepared for what lies ahead.

May will also bring a Lock-in for the Senior High Youth. Keep watching for the details!