To Our Family Tree's!

We have found over 30 surnames in our family, with a lot of history
and information added daily. Some of the area's we are currently
searching our surnames in are: RI, VT, OH, MO, IND, ILL,CA,
NY, OK, GA, KS, NC, TX, VA, IA, PA, England, and Canada.
If you see any new connections please contact us by email. We
would love to hear from you and share information with you! :-)


Some of our family files you can look at here:

Sherrie's Family Surnames

Alvin's Family Surnames

All the above family information
was Copyright © 1997 by
Alvin & Sherrie (Vaughan) Smith

The above files were last updated in January, 2000


Don't forget to visit some of our families other web pages !!


Some of our favorite searchable web links:

Family Tree Maker Page
The Ancestry Home Page
US Gen Web Home Page
"Vaughan" and "Vaughn" Family Discussion Group
Roots Surname List -- Interactive Search 
Gen Forum

Common Threads

Enter the Surname that you are seeking in the box above:


Please visit our Native Americans page!


Census & Census Information:

Plymouth, PA. 1910 Census
Geneology Resources in Government Documents


Geneology Helplists:

Geneology Helplist Canada


Vital Records Request Form that you can print and
use to request records such as Birth, Death.
Birth Request Forms
Death Request Forms


Mailing Lists, Chat lines, Web Rings, Newsgroups:

Mailing Lists: Surnames, & Places
List Server, Northwest


We Proudly Except This Beautiful Gift
Thank You Blue Skies!


We would like to Thank all our family and friends for all
their continuing help and information!:-) Please come back &
visit again. Will be done remodeling soon. Warmest regards
~ Sherrie and Alvin Smith ~


Visitors since March, 1998.


Member of the Internet Genealogical Directory



We have been having problems
with a e-mail stalker for several months.
He has miss lead several individuals.
We do not know this person,
except through his harassment letters.
He also knows nothing about our family or
the information we have or do not have.
His email address is:
Voice net abuse has been advised.
If you receive a e-mail from him
concerning us, or our family.
Please ignore him, like we do.