Heroes/Heroines-Past and Present

If you would like to nominate someone for this page please
email me.

Michael Landon 1936-1991

Michael was my number one hero ( and still is ) when I was a little girl. I grew up with him on "Bonanza," "Little House On The Prairie," and "Highway To Heaven." The episodes he created on all three television shows touched us all in many ways and he was certainly an asset to his trade. Michael died on July 1, 1991 of pancreatic cancer. Why did God take him so soon? Perhaps we will never know. I miss him still.

Sean Connery

What can I say about the sexiest man in show business? Like a fine wine this incredible actor only gets better with age. At age 68 he has certainly shown us all that age makes no difference in whatever you do. His charisma and sex appeal comes through as a natural part of him and his voice is a trademark that no other can duplicate.Even though you didn't see him in "Dragonheart" you knew who the voice belonged to.

James Dean 1931-1955

James Dean was taken from us at the age of 24. Even though his career was brief and tumultous, James left his mark in the movie industry. He starred in "East Of Eden," "Giant," and "Rebel Without A Cause." The teenage generation of his time felt such an affinity with this "rebel" that upon his death many committed suicide.

Richard Gere

Richard Gere is truly another man who ages well. My favorite all time movie is "An Officer And A Gentleman." Who hasn't dreamed of having a man come into your work place, swoop you up, and carry you out in his arms? Ah well, that only happens in the movies doesn't it? I think Richard Gere is a fabulous actor who can take on any role and play it well.

Christopher Reeve

This wonderful man should be an inspiration to us all with his undaunted faith in recovering. He is a real life "superman" to me and as his book says..."I'm still me." It shouldn't matter to the eyes of the world if one is in a wheelchair, blind, deaf, missing a limb, or just overweight. We should all be able to look inside each person and see what dwells there before we judge by appearance.

Kevin Sorbo

When they contracted Kevin Sorbo for the role of Hercules they couldn't have chosen anyone better. He fits the role in every way... handsome, muscular, caring, and with the heart of a giant, he dashes through life with a zest for adventure that all of us would like to live.I wish him well and continued success in his acting career.

Pete Warzycha

Ladies, if there was ever a true hero, Pete is certainly high on my list. He is presently in the Marines,stationed in Okinawa,Japan. He's single girls, handsome too...and yes you can write to him...warzycha@yahoo.com. Thanks Pete for all your help, support and friendship. You are my " Great American Hero."

Jack & Kate

How could I not include my wonderful parents on this page...I cannot put any dates here because they both passed away within a year of each other. My Mom in January of 1995..my Dad in February of 1996. They were both such wonderful people and instilled in me the graces of humanity that I have tried to pass along to my children.They were married for 52 years and I still miss them each and every day.

Lady Di 1961-1997

What a gracious and beautiful lady,who touched us all with her great love for humanity. She was indeed "England's Rose" and though she is gone, her kindness, devotion, beauty, and mercy will live on in all of our hearts. As Elton John's song says..."We'll miss the wings of your compassion more than you will ever know." Lady Di only gave of herself, never expecting anything in return. If each of us would take this to heart and live it every day then Diana would surely smile down on all of us.

Tall Cool 1

Here is another type of hero we should all respect. Tall Cool 1 ( he's the one in the blue jean )is an engineer for the Charlotte Fire Department and he puts his life on the line for strangers everytime he responds to a call. The courage and devotion displayed by a firefighter must surely come straight from the heart. Now is a good time to remind everyone to check those batteries in your smoke detectors. Thanks Tall Cool 1 for being there when we need you.

Ed 1928-1997

On Christmas Eve 1998, I feel in my heart that it is finally time to put my husband's picture here. The dog pictured with Ed is Johnny, the light and love of his life. I still see Ed through Johnny's eyes if anyone can understand that. Ed's love was a brilliant song of sunshine in my life for 23 years and will probably fade, but never extinguish, for he taught me the true meaning of what a "once in a lifetime love" can be. The love we had for each other cannot be put here in words for it was a feeling beyond any description. It is your song, Ed, that will give me wings to fly again some day. Until then,I miss you each and every day.

Lucy Lawless & Renee O'Connor

By special request I am adding Lucy Lawless and Renee O'Connor to this page. They star in the television show "Xena Warrior Princess." The show first aired in 1995 with Lucy playing Xena and Renee in the role of Gabrielle. Lucy was born in 1968 in New Zealand and Renee was born in Houston, Texas. The great success of this show must be attributed to both of these fine, talented actresses.
