A Special Tribute

Richard and Bonny are two special people in my life that I cannot thank enough for being there for me. We have been friends for so long I can't really even remember how far back that friendship goes. I know that Richard and Ed shared a special devotion in the trucking industry and were always "on the road" together. Ed sorta became Richard's guardian, taking on the task of making sure that they left on time, had their loads properly secured and keeping Richard's heavy foot off the accelerator, by making Richard follow him while they were driving.*LOL* We have shared so many things in life...our troubles, our joys, our sorrows, our highs and lows, but the one constant element that remained throughout was our unselfish willingness to help each other in times of need. The greatest gift any friend can give to another is love and support. The past two years have opened my eyes and heart to what true friends are and the devotion of these two people have been my lifeline for survival. I finally know that I am not alone in this world. Maybe Richard never knew what enormous tasks lay ahead of him when Ed came to the conclusion that he would not be here for me forever, but he never hesitated in fulfilling Ed's last request..."Take care of Sue." I must first thank Bonny from the bottom of my heart for her generosity in allowing Richard to solve my little problems. It seemed that whenever I had a leaky water pipe, a bad televison reception, a stubborn lawnmower that wouldn't start, an electrical dilemma, dirty laundry, a squeaky door hinge, an enormous desk that needed a Master's Degree to assemble,( Wow! This job took 2 days!) Bonny and Richard were there with tools in hand. A simple thank you to Richard cannot suffice for the infinte big and small tasks he has solved for me. I can only say that in Richard, Bonny has a "rare jewel" indeed! At times I feel that I intrude in their lives.... like being the third person to tag along, becoming an unsuspected dinner guest or just dropping in out of the blue.. but Bonny's unfailing reply is..."Sue,we love you." I am so glad Bonny accepted my invitation to go to Disney World with me. Perhaps with this trip I can repay a small portion of the countless times they have come to my rescue. Richard and Bonny have given to me numerous treasures that I will cherish forever in my heart. The love and devotion they have for each other fills my heart with joy and I am so glad they share the same "true" love for each other that Ed and I had. I am so proud they are my best friends. I love you both with all my Our friendship and love will remain constant and true.