To own a bit of ground, to scratch it with a hoe,
To plant seeds and watch the renewal of life-
this is the commonest delight of the race,
the most satisfactory thing a man can do
(Charles Dudley Warner)

There is nothing that I like more, after a cold, gray winter, than to put my hands into the soil on a spring day and feel the Earth's life-force. It almost makes winter worthwhile!

In the spring I will start my seeds and grow them under lights in my house. On a warm day I will plant the seedings outside in several small gardens that are located around our property. In front of our house is the bulb garden, in back is our butterfly and bee garden, herb garden, our smokehouse garden, and our beloved trees.

Below are listed some other gardens that may be of interest to you. My favorite is Ladew Topiary Gardens in Monkton, Maryland. You can stroll at your leisure through 15 gardens such as the Woodland Garden with it's trees, perennials, ferns and antique iron and glass aquarium as a centerpiece, the Yellow Garden, White Garden, Rose Garden, Iris Garden, Berry Garden and of course the Topiary Garden with it's swan hedge and hunt scene. The list goes on and on. Each garden is unique with a pond, structure, fountain or quiet area where you can sit and contemplate. Ladew gets my highest rating. It's my favorite place to go. Also listed below are some garden sites that you can visit on the Internet from your own home. I hope you enjoy!

Our Bulb Garden At Dawn
Our Smokehouse Garden

Our Butterfly Garden

Our Trees

Ladew Gardens (Woodland Garden)
3535 Jarrettsville Pike
Monkton, Maryland 21111
Information-(410) 557-9466

Longwood Gardens

Internet Gardening

Buchart Gardens

The World is very old, But year by year, It groweth new again, When buds appear.

The World is very old, And sometimes sad; But when the daisies come, The World is glad.

The World is very old; But every Spring, It groweth young again,And fairies sing.
(Cicely Mary Barker)

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