This is the HTML Snippet you'll need. Just cut and paste it to your page using the right mouse button or follow your browsers requirement(s). That's all there is to it! If you have any problems or questions, E-Mail me and I'll help!
<!--START TABLE CUT HERE--> <center><table border="15" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="5"> <TR><TH ALIGN="CENTER"> <a href=""><img src="horses.jpg" ALT="End of the Trail" height=180 width=180 border="0" align="left"></a> </th> <TH ALIGN="CENTER"> <CENTER><FONT SIZE=-1>This<BR> <a href="">All Horses Web Ring</a> site is owned by<a href="mailto:YOUR_MAIL_ADDRESS">Your_Name_Here</a> <br>click for the<BR> <a href="">Index</a> <a href="">Random</a> <a href="">Next 5</a> <a href="">Queue</a> <br>Want to join the ring? Click here for <a href="">info</a>.</CENTER> </TH> <TH ALIGN="CENTER"> <a href=""> <img src="arrowr.gif" ALT="next" width=100 height=100 border="0" align="top"></a><BR> <a href=""> <img src="arrowl.gif" ALT="Previous" width=100 height=100 border="0" align="bottom"></a> </TH> </TR> </TABLE></CENTER> <br> <!--END TABLE CUT HERE--> Just remember to change YOUR_ID_NUMBER to YOUR ID NUMBER and your mail address!
After you have the graphics and the HTML in place, E-Mail the webmaster to verify your site and add you to the ring. That's all there is to it! After your are added to the ring you will recieve E-Mail concerning your addition.