"What If God Were One Of Us"


Hi! My name is Tristan Daniell Moore. I am a handsome "Little Man" who just happens to have Down Syndrome. I was snatched from heaven on 9/18/97. My parents say I am a miracle. An angel sent by God. Welcome to my home. Take a look around, make yourself comfortable and enjoy your visit.

My mom is helping me with my web site. We'll update on a monthly basis with new pictures, my progress and more. So, please visit again. If you don't mind, please sign my guest book before leaving. You can even e-mail me or mom. Hope to hear from you soon! Don't forget to visit the links I have listed on both pages.

I won this award for being featured site 1-17-99 through 1-23-99. This award is given to sites that bring awareness of disabilities to the web. Thanks Alyzza!!

My "Aunt" Susan sent me Hiyakitty, he looks just like my kitten Tigger.

Isn't he cute? Know why his name's Hiyakitty?

*****Do you believe in Angels?*****

Please click on the police bear above for a very special story about a very special man!
"Cole's Corner"

"Diagnosis Down Syndrome"

"Down Syndrome Info & Links"

40x100 Spacer GIF

Please unite all children.

Click above to read the story behind this ribbon.

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Please visit my new friend by clicking on his gift to me.

{A Bit About Me} {A Bit Of An Update} {Another Update} {Mom's Thoughts}

{Photo Gallery} {Wonder Lyrics} {Awards 1} {Awards 2}

{Awards 3} {Awards 4} {Awards 5} {Awards 6} {Awards 7}

{Awards 8} {Awards 9} {Awards 10} {Awards 11} {Awards 12}

{Dedication} {Creed} {View Guest Book} {Sign Guest Book}

{Guest Book Archive} {E-mail Me} {E-mail Mom}


Some graphics throughout this site courtesy ofTiggers_Howse
More grahics throughout this site courtesy ofDaves Pooh Page