This page is dedicated to my brother, Buddy, his real name is Henry Jefferson Smith III, he's 37 years young (still a little wet behind the ears) at least I like to tease him about it, cause he's such a kid at heart,~grin~! Well, you must be wondering what makes my brother so special, for one thing, he loves to drive race cars, he even won a couple of trophies (honest)! I will get a pic of him and his car on here soon, just have to get it scanned first. He also drives an 18 Wheeler for a living. He just recently went to work for one of the largest trucking companies in the US, CCC and he loves it! The girl you see here in the photo isn't his girlfriend anymore, he now lives with a very sweet girl named Carol, they love each other very much and will probably get married soon. They have been together about 3 yrs. now. Carol has 3 children, Joe (14), Heather (8) & Steven (5). Buddy has a son, Henry (14) and a daughter Mindy (17), both by his first wife Chris. And Mindy has a baby boy,Dylan, so that makes Buddy a young "Grampa".

Well, I've said all this for a reason, I'm sure you might have guessed! Last Saturday night (July 3rd-99) we had to rush Bud to the emergency room, where they had to perform emergency brain surgery, they had to place a schunte in his brain to relieve the preasure from a cyst, which is located in the dead center of the 4 lobes of his brain. The bad news is that it only drains the right side of the cyst, not the left side, so this means that in 2 weeks they have to do a very dangerous kind of brain surgery, they have to try to remove all of the cyst from the center of his brain, and we've been told that he may have only a 50/50 chance for complete recovery. This breaks my heart, because I love my brother very much and can't imagine this vibrant, active young man in anything other than his normal hyper self, driving, fishing, playing with his & Carol's kids and working at whatever he's intent on at the moment. So I'm asking all of you believers to PLEASE, PLEASE say a prayer for him, that he might have a complete recovery. And please pass this on to all churches and prayer groups. His surgery is scheduled for Tuesday, July 20. We need Angels all around. His family and I would greatly appreciate it.
Thank you so much for your prayers. Sincerely Cryingdove

This is a poem from a card that my brother gave to me for my birthday a few years ago. I love it, I hope you will.

A Sister Is Forever

A sister is a sister forever,
A bond that diminishes never.
A friend who is kindly and caring,
A sibling God chooses for sharing.

Few ties are as deep and profound,
And with so much affection abound.
Though some thoughts are seldom expressed,
Love endures and survives the test.

Of the constants that rest in the heart,
A sister's a primary part.
She'll always be there when you need her,
You listen, you value, you heed her.

As growth, independence you ponder,
Your feelings grow deeper and fonder,
And life tells you one thing that's true,
A sister's a large part of you.

~Author Unknown~

If you would like to send some special words of encouragement or prayers to Buddy and his family, please sign the guestbook and I will print them and take them to him. Thanks to all you Prayer Warriors.

July 21,1999
Hallaluia! Praise the LORD! We have a miracle here! I believe the Lord, Himself did this surgery. It was supposed to take 6 to 8 hours, it only took 4 hours, within 2 hours after the surgery, Buddy was awake, alert and talking, (could have taken days or weeks for speach). He is now sitting up, eating jello and other clear liquids, tomorrow he will get up and walk a few steps. he was transferred from ICU to his own room today and may be able to come home by Monday. Praise the Lord! I can't tell you how happy this makes me, I'm sooo very thrilled with how well things have gone, how he is progressing now, it REALLY is a MIRACLE! And I can't begin to tell all of you who have been out there praying for him, just how much your prayers, notes, kind words and sweet thoughts, have meant to me. The 2 small words, "Thank You" are just so incomplete, I just can't describe the warm loving feeling and the gratitude that I feel, just know that my feelings and gratitude go beyond mere words. I will never forget this and PLEASE thank God for hearing all our prayers and answering them with more power than I could have dreamed. God was REALLY there and there were angels all around. I had prayed for a miracle, but never dreamed it would be one of this magnatude! I'm simply overcome with joy and thanksgiving! GOD is sooo GOOD!!! I will continue to put updates on his progress here. Thank you my sweet Jesus and also my sweet friends. PRAISE GOD FOREVERMORE!!! AMEN!

AUGUST 24,1999

Well, the latest WONDERFUL news is.....
Buddy has gone back to work with CCC driving that BIG truck around on these interstates and all, so you all had better be careful, he's out there and DANGEROUS.....LOL!!! Just joking! But let me tell you what a MIRACLE our God gave him, I promise you will NOT believe this, but Buddy NEVER.... yes I said NEVER even had a headache. I know you all must be thinking that either I have lost my mind, OR that I don't know my brother's pain, but I HAVE NEWS FOR YOU ........ I ASK HIM. He said he had not had even one real headache. I know....I know.... I had a little trouble believeing it myself, but if you knew Buddy, you would know that if he had a headache everyone witin a mile would know about it.~;-) Poor boy, has no tolerance for pain! None! LOL!!! But PRAISE GOD he's had NO PAIN!!! Hallaluia!!! Thank you, Jesus and AMEN!!!

Now, for those of you who want to know who to look out for out on the interstates, I have added a picture of Buddy and his BIG truck, and also one of him and his race car(#44,like his fav,King Richard Petty) along with him and his trophy! So take a look and don't forget that I know God performed this miracle, BUT I also know He did it because soooo many of YOU were out there praying for him, so my heart felt gratitude goes out to every one of YOU for the prayers that you prayed for him. I love you all and am so happy to have friends like YOU!
Love, Peace & Light, Dovie

If you would like to join my mailing list to receive my NEW pages, or just want to drop me a line the Dove below will deliver the message.

Here is a photo of Buddy and Carol and the kids.

Here is Buddy and his BIG BAD Truck!

And his Baby,the trophy comes in a close second!~:-)

