I have come to visit your children,
And I'm pleased with what I see.
They abuse all kinds of drugs,
And are getting drunk with me.

They live as Gomorrah or Sodom,
Their minds perverse and blown.
I will claim their souls anytime now,
You shouldn't have left them alone.

I'm glad you worked long hours.
I'm glad you were busy a lot.
And it would've been harder to sway them,
If you too hadn't been using pot.

At your schools I've been at work,
Making sex an acceptable game.
You slept while I fought to keep prayer out,
To add to your neglectful shame.

You don't seem to notice the witchcraft;
I broadcast on your own TV.
It's just an innocent program,
Twitch your nose as they follow me.

Add a couple of violent sitcoms,
It's funny to see heads blown in two.
Now your little Tommy has his own gun,
And there's nothing you can do.

They're mine and you cannot reach them,
They're hearts are hard, cold and black.
I've shown them how to party,
With pot, cocaine and crack.

You've been a tremendous help tho,
I couldn't have done it alone.
If you hadn't forsaken your prayerlife,
These seeds I could not have sown.

So stay away from the Bible's teachings,
Don't listen to what God has to say.
Your children are no longer your problem,
A price they'll eternally pay.

Without Christ, they are mine to devour.
Without God, nothing you can do.
Today I will take your children.
Tomorrow I'll be coming for you.
Sincerely Satan

{Author Unknown}


My son came home from school one day,
With a silly grin on his face.
He thought he was smarter that me, his mom,
And he could put me in my place.

He said,"Guess what I learned in Civics II,
That's taught by Mr. Wright?
It's about the laws of the land today.

"It says, that I don't have to clean my room,
I don't even have to cut my hair.
Nobody can tell me what I can eat,
Or choose the clothes I wear."

"It said, freedom of speach
Is my constitutional guarantee,
And it's my choice of what I read
or what I watch on TV."

"I have the freedom of religion and,
Regardless of what you say,
I don't have to ask your God for help...
I don't even have to pray."

"It said, I can wear an earring in my ear,
And...if I want to... I can pierce my nose.
It's my choice, if I so desire
To tattoo Satan's numbers across my toes."

"Hey, if ever again you try to spank me,
I'll charge you with the crime,
And I can back up all my charges,
With the marks on my behind".

He said, "Now,Don't ever touch my body again.
This body of mine is for me to use,
And not for your hugs, kisses and stuff,
That's just another form of child abuse."

He continued,"And stop trying to fill my head with morals
Like your Mama did to you,
Things like that is called mind control
And that's illegal too!"

"Mom, I have all these children's rights,
You can't do a thing to me.
I can call the Children's Services,
Better known as C.S.D."


My very first impression was
To toss this boy right out the door.
But here was a chance to teach him a lesson,
For once and forever more!

I took my time and mulled it over,
But something like this I couldn't let go.
This kid of mine didn't realize,
That he was messing with a Pro!


The next day we went shopping.
Very much to his dismay,
I didn't buy him 501s,
Or shirts designed by OPA!

I had called and talked to C.S.D.
They said they didn't really care,
If I bought him Volume shoes,
Or a pair of Nike Airs.

And then I canceled his appintment with DMV,
So he couldn't test his driving skills.
I'd probably be dead by now for sure,
If only looks could kill!

I said,"By the way,I don't have time to stop and eat
Or pick up stuff for you to munch.
I think you should follow C.S.D's advice,
And make yourself a big sack lunch.

So, you say what...that your not hungry,
That you can wait til dinner time?
Well, I'm fixing liver and onions,
Cause that's a favorite of mine.

Can we stop to get a movie,
So you can watch on the VCR?
Gosh no! I sold what was your TV,
And bought four new tires for my car.

I also rented out your room,
Sorry, you really don't need a bed.
All I really have to do for you,
Is put a roof over your head.

As long as I have to buy your clothes,
And the food that you must eat.
The money I gave you for allowance,
Is going to buy me something 'neat'.

No more eating after we shop,
No more joking along the way.
Son, I too have a BILL OF RIGHTS,
That goes into effect today.

What's the matter...why are you crying?
What are you doing down on your knees?
Why are you asking God to help you,
Instead of the C.S.D.?"

{Author Unknown}


Now I sit me down in school
Where praying is against the rule.
For this great nation under God
Finds mention of Him very odd.

If Scripture now the class recites,
It violates the Bill of Rights.
Anytime my head I bow,
Becomes a Federal matter now.

The law is specific, the law is precise.
Praying out loud is no longer nice.
Praying aloud in a public hall
Upsets those who have no beliefs at all.

In silence alone we can meditate,
And if God should get the credit-Great!
They are bringing their guns.
I don't dare bring my bible.

To do so might make me liable.
So, now Oh Lord, this plea I make,
Should I be shot in school,
My soul, please take.

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