So you want a Puppy?

These are the things a new puppy will do:

1. They will potty in the house on the rug.
They will potty right after you brought them in the house from being out side.They will potty everywhere, except in the room with wall to wall newspapers.

2. They will cry when in the crate the seller told you it was trained for.
In a room with wall to wall newspaper, outside for sure.
In a pen, or anywhere away from you.
In the middle of the night when you just starting to drift off to much needed sleep.
You will hear that sad heart-wrenching cry…

3. They will chew:
Your slippers, socks, shoes, Magazine's, newspapers, combs, brushes, curlers, pen, pencils, and cords, floppy disks, CD's, wood, plastic, live or dead animals.And on you, and your kids.

4. They will throw up in the house. on your new rug. Couch, blankets, chair, slippers, and in the car.

5. When you eat they will beg for yours even though they have an bowl of expensive food in the kitchen. That you ran all over town to find.

6. They will bark, at real and not real things.
Butterflies, people walking by, people knocking on your door, knocking on the door on TV.
Neighbor's cats they see threw the window, The neighbors dogs, and the Neighbors.The Mailman, milkman ,garbage man.

7. They will stick there noses in people crouch's you don’t know well enough to shake hands with.

8. The will roll in things that have been dead far to long, they will eat things out of the cat box, they even might eat their own poo. And then they want a kiss.

9. They will dig in the garden be it flowers or veggies. In the middle of a new lawn. In the White House yard. In the neighbors yard (if they can get there)

10. They will run in the house on your clean floors with tiny, big, med sized muddy paw's, jump on the funiture, beds and dad's favorite chair.

11. And they will jump on you and on your kids. They will jump on the strangers that knock on the door. they will shed, hair, hair, beautful, hair every where. rugs, chairs and in the car.

12. And if this makes your blood run cold and your stomach turn a bit. Then do a puppy a favor. Do not get one. The kids will beg and say "I'll take care if it. Yeah right if you believe that I got a bridge to sell ya. If you feed it its yours. And believe me Nothing will, or can love you like a dog.

12. If you can deal with all this then get a puppy and enjoy the time of your life. Prepare to have your heart stolen.
