Guide Camp/ Silly Songs

This is Why I Am a Guider

(Sung to the tune of "John Brown's Body")
Written by Essex West Guiders

I went along to Guides just to help them out one day,
I must have done a decent job as I was asked to stay,
I really didn't have the time to do the job just right,
But the Guiders all assured me that it only took one night.

This is why I am a Guider,
This is why I am a Guider,
This is why I am a Guider,
'Cuz the others all assured me that it only took one night.

The District meeting came along and I was asked to go,
It's sad to say the treasurer was ill and didn't show,
So I was asked to do the job and I replied I might,
'Cuz the others all assured me that it only took one night.

One day the new Commissioner saw me putting up a tent,
She said with great relief, "My Dear, you must be heaven sent!
I need a Camp Advisor and I know your time is tight,
But I really do assure that it will only take one night"

I've been so long in uniform, my blood is navy blue,
My friends and neighbours think I'm mad and maybe so do you,
But I'm so proud and happy I'd complain with all my might,
If my many jobs in Guiding really only took one night!!!

Porridge Tragedy

(to the tune of Clementine)

In a camp down in the country
Dwelt some Guides on holiday.
23 there were in number
Quite enough to take away.

In the camp, there was a Girl Guide
Who was like most little girls.
She was either up to mischief
Or was kicking up a noise.

Rose she early every morning
At precisely half past four,
Then she's go out and shout her war cries
Far too near the Guider's door.

Then the Guider, then the Guider,
Soon began to jump and roar.
Just because that silly Girl Guide
Wouldn't let her be and snore.

So she made the early riser
Take the porridge spoon and stir
First explaining how to do it
Lest an accident occur.

Then the Girl Guide, very anxious
Thought the porridge she could smell.
Put her head into the dixie,
Lost her balance, in she fell.

Saw her head above the porridge
She was looking mighty red.
How she wished that she'd kept silent,
And kept to her little bed.

When the Guides went down for breakfast,
There were only 22.
Though the Guider called it porridge
They all thought that it was stew.

All you Girl Guides, old and youthful,
Bear in mind this story sad.
Never spoil your Guider's slumber.
Lest your fate should be as bad.

A Freezing Tent

(to the tune of a ram sam sam)

A freezing tent, a freezing tent,
The rain is coming down in a freezing tent.
A freezing tent, a freezing tent,
The rain is coming down in a freezing tent.
Wet blankets, wet blankets,
The rain is coming down in a freezing tent.
Wet blankets, wet blankets,
The rain is coming down in a freezing tent.


Come tip-toe through the tent pegs,
Through the tent pegs, to the lavatory.
Come tip-toe through the tent pegs with me.
I'm dreaming of a flush toilet,
Just like the one we have at home.
With a sliver chain and proper drain.
And somewhere for it all to go.
Come tip-toe through the tent pegs,
Through the tent pegs, to the lavatory.
Come tip-toe through the tent pegs with me.

Twelve Days Of Guide Camp

Tune: "The twelve days of Christmas"

On the first day of Guide camp
My mother sent to me...
A box of chocolate cookies.

Two T-shirts,
Three pairs of socks
Four Woollen hats
Five underpants,
Six postage stamps,
Seven nose warmers,
Eight Batman comics,
Nine bars of soap,
Ten sticking plasters,
Eleven shoe laces,
Twelve bottles of insect repellent

The First Aider's Song

(Tune: The Twelve Days of Christmas)

On the first day of camping the Leader sent to me
A boy who had skinned his knee

On the second day of camping the Leader sent to me
Two banged heads, and a boy who had skinned his knee

three nose-bleeds . .
four mozzie bites . .
five nettle-stings . .
six girls with splinters . .
seven upset tummies . .
eight cuts and grazes . .
nine twisted ankles . .
ten homesick Leaders . .
eleven girls with measles . .
twelve angry parents . .

Sleepy Camper

What do you do with a sleepy camper?
What do you do with a sleepy camper?
What do you do with a sleepy camper
Early in the morning?


Way hey late, ye risers. Way hey late, ye risers.
Way hey late, ye risers.
Early in the morning.

Pull her out of bed with a running bowline.

Throw her in the lake with his pants on backwards.

Put her in to bed an hour sooner.
Early in the evening.

Once a Girl Guide went to Camp

(Tune: Head & Shoulders, Knees & Toes)

Once a Girl Guide went to camp, went to camp
Went to camp without her lamp, without her lamp
And there she saw a spider in her bed, in her bed
This is what the Girl Guide said, Girl Guide said:

ÒSpider spider, go away, go away,
You are not allowed to stay, allowed to stay
This is what my leader said,
'No two bodies in one bed, in one bed.'"

Once a Boy Scout went to camp, went to camp
Went to camp without his lamp, without his lamp
And there he saw a spider in his bed, in his bed
This is what the Boy Scout said, Boy Scout said:

Guide Wetspers

Tune: (Oh, Tannenbaum)

Softly falls the rain today
As our campsite floats away.
Silently, each Guide should ask
"Did I bring my scuba mask?
Have I tied my tent flaps down?
Learned to swim, so I won't drown?
Have I done, and will I try
Everything to keep me dry?"

Campin' in the Rain

Tune: Singin' in the Rain

I'm campin' in the rain, just campin' in the rain.
The tent and campfire are soggy again.
The clouds in the sky are making me cry.
My waterlogged shoes may never get dry.

All the mud in the place is stuck on my face.
The frogs and the turtles are starting to race.
Oh, what should I do? I need a canoe.
A webbed--footed weasel swam off with my shoe.

I'm campin' in the rain; just campin' in the rain.
The good doctor said I've got water on the brain.
I can't light the fire. I'm stuck in the mire.
The lightning just knocked down the telephone wire.

I'm drownin' in the rain; just drownin' in the rain.
Won't it please stop raining --- I hate to complain.
My sleeping bag's wet. I'm starting to fret.
My life jacket wasn't the thing to forget.

I'm campin' in the rain; just campin' in the rain.
What a glorious feeling! Someone just plugged the drain.
The pre--cip--i--tate will now dis--a--pate.
The sun soon will dry up the puddle I hate.
No more campin' in the rain.

Going Camping

(Tune: I'm forever blowing bubbles)

We're forever going camping
Camping the whole year round
We reach the site, middle of the night
And then we find we've got no light
Sleeping all together, on the stony ground
We're forever going camping
Going camping all year round

Little Black Things

(Tune: Clementine)

Little black things, little black things
Crawling up and down my arms
If I wait 'til they have babies
I could start a black thing farm

Haven't taken a bath in two weeks
And I never change my clothes
I have got these little black things
Where they come from heaven knows

Once a cute boy tried to kiss me
But he jumped and gave a yell
And I never got to ask him
Was it the black things or the smell

The Weekend

(Tune: Battle Hymn of the Republic)

I have seen the sky in darkness, I have seen it in the sun
I have felt the rain upon me, I've enjoyed the snowy fun
When the weather isn't cloudy or the wind it doesn't blow
It isn't only raining, it's the weekend too, you know
Glory, glory, it's the weekend!
Glory, glory, it's the weekend!
I can tell because it's raining and it's 42 below
As we Guides go marching on.

Underneath the Flysheet

(Tune Underneath the Arches)

Underneath the flysheet we'll dream the night away
Underneath the flysheet on stony ground we'll lay
Ev'ry night you'll find us, wrapped up nice and warm
Waiting till the birdsong comes cheeping
Heralding the dawn
We sleep out when it's raining, we sleep out when it's dry
Stars overhead so high
Rucksack for our pillow, we always want to stay
Underneath the flysheet, we'll dream the night away

It's a Long Way to Our Campsite

Tune: Tipperary

It's a long way to our campsite,
It's a long way to go,
It's a long way to our campsite,

To the best in life we know;
Goodbye television,
Farewell old armchair,
It's a long, long way to our campsite,
But we'll soon be there.

My Body

(to the tune of My Bonnie Lies over the Ocean)

My body has calamine lotion.
My body's as sore as can be.
The flowers I picked for leaders.
Turned out to be poison ivy.
Don't touch, Don't touch
You'll get a rash from ivy, ivy.
It will itch bad
And it looks worse than acne.

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