Thank you for coming to see my adoptable angels

Previously I had four little angels for adoption. I am still leaving those original ones here. But now I have 9 brand new ones for you to choose from. You may adopt as many as you want but please link them back to this page so that others may come to adopt too. Name the angels any name you like.

You must download each angel and the link back banner to your own hard drive. Hold your mouse over the angel you want and right click. Then choose save as and download angel to your file.
The url to use for a link back credit is

For webtv users, e-mail me for the html code. Only one angel per webtv user allowed! Please use the description in the { } when asking for the html code.

~The original Angels~

{yellow angel}

{pink angel}

{purple angel}

{blue angel}


{angel 1}

{angel 2}

{angel 3}

{angel 4}

{angel 5}

{angel 6}

{angel 7}

{angel 8}

{angel 9}

~The Banners~

If you have adopted one of my angels I would love to see it on your site. E-mail me and give me your sites url and I will come visit!!
Mail Here

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