Brad Renfro's BACK!
Here's Why You Might Not Get To See Him!

Getting more gorgeous everyday 17 years-old Brad Renfro is still one of the hottest movie boys around. Ever since he leaped onto the big screen in The Client, Brad's been one of the hardest working young actors in Hollywood, starring Th Cure, Tom & Huck and Sleepers in latest film, Telling Lies in America (starring Kevin Bacon) is probably going to be hugest his ever!
Telling Lies...tells the story of Karachy Jonas, the 17 years-old son of a Hungarian immigrant. Karachy (played Brad) gets major lessons in life when he hooks up with Billy Magic (Kevin Bacon). Karachy gets lost in the world of rock'n roll radio-a world quite different from the one envisioned by his dad, who had sacrificed everything for his son's future success.

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