
On stardate 53320.2, Starfleet was able to establish two way communication with the USS Voyager for several moments.  During this time, Voyager transferred crew logs, astrometric reports as well as sensor and mission logs to Starfleet Command.  This data has been analysed and compiled to form the Voyager Database.

This database is divided into five sections.  The first section, mission briefing, contains detailed information regarding all of Voyager's missions to date.  The second section, alien database, contains the dozens of Delta Quadrant aliens which Voyager has encountered to date.  The third section contains a detailed crew report on Voyager's senior bridge officers.  Section four, the anomalous astrometrics data, contains bloopers and interesting facts on Voyager's missions.  The last section is a shuttle tally for the number of shuttle's Voyager has lost in the Delta Quadrant.

Please use the links below to jump to the desired section of the Voyager Database.

 Mission Briefing  |   Delta Quadrant Alien Database  |   Senior Bridge Officers 
 Anomalous Astrometrics Data  |   Shuttle Count