Internal Chapter 1

written by:Kim

"Cammi!! No!!" Her mother yelled and snapped her hand away from the rose bush, full with thorns and spikes. "Perty flower..." 8-year-old Cameron pointed. "You know you're sick, and you can't touch that..please...get in the house if you are not going to play safe.." Her mother smiled at her. "Mommy...why do you always say I'm sick...?" "Because you are Sweetie, eat your lunch and we have to go to the doctor's later.." Her mom winked at her. She pouted and drank her juice.

Cameron at 14

"Why do we keep going to the doctor?!?! I'm old enough to know what is wrong with me. You and the doctor never discuss anything with me...!!" Cameron yelled and slammed the door to her bedroom. She slumped onto her bed and cried. "What is wrong with me..?" "God...I should've known she'll be a teenager someday.." Her mother told herself.

At the doctor's office:

Cameron fixed back the strap of her tank top and sat there, watching her mother and the doctor, once again, leaving the room to talk about her condition. "Cameron..we want you to come with us too.." Her mother smiled at her. Cameron's head shot up from looking at her dangling feet. "Really?" "Yes Dear...come need to know this now.." Doctor Landon told her with a smile. Cameron nodded her head and went with them to Dr. Landon's office. "Well Cameron..." "I prefer Cammi.." She smiled at her mom. 'Finally...' she whispered to herself inside. "Have you noticed something for the past years?" The doctor smiled at her. "Noooo..." Cameron said slowly, wondering what she meant. "Like...for example...your healthy teeth and gum.." "I brush.." She answered, thinking this lady doctor is weird. "Yes...but a lot of you teens don't care about that...and have you ever seen blood? Again, have you ever bled?" "" Cameron wrinkled her eyebrows. "Where are you leading me.." "Nowhere Sweetie.." Her mother patted her back, knowing she was upset by now. " have Internal Self Bleeding..." Time stopped. Cameron dazed at the words. "And...and how long have I have it?" "Well, ever since you were born? It's really rare..and...there is a cure...but that's only faith...cuz you cure it with your own medicine.." "My own medicine..?" Cameron's voice cracked. "As in from another human.." "What?" Cameron couldn't believe what she was hearing. This was all starting to sound like a fairy tale. It was like a story of Sleeping Beauty being kissed by The Charming Prince, to be able to wake up. "Doctor...what do you mean by that?" Cameron's mother asked. "Hopeful it's from the opposite sex..if you know what I mean.." Cameron's mother shook her head again. "His bodily fluid..." Dr. Landon hinted again. "'re saying only a guy can save me?" "Well, if you manage to be safe for the rest of your will definitely be long as you don't hurt...or cut yourself...then..." "My blood won't stop...." Cameron finished for the doctor as she pressed her lips together. "I'm going to die.." "No're not.." Her mother tried to comfort. "So that's why you don't want me to ride bikes? That's why you don't want me to take swimming lessons?" "I'm so sorry Baby.." Her mother tried to smile. "I was just thinking the best for you.." "So now what? How am I going to be okay? I mean...I want to have a good year in High School...I want to go to Mom's not gonna be around all the time.." Cameron sniffled. "I'm only 14...I don' t wanna die.." " confident and strong...that will really help. And stay away from things that will hurt you..." Dr. Landon reminded her. "What kind of guy am I looking for here.." "It can be a guy...or a girl...their bodily fluid, if you know what I mean? Saliva, sweat, their own blood, or even his sex sp.." "Enough...thank you doctor.." Cameron's mom stood up and helped her daughter. "What?" "Mrs. Fowley...she needs to know about this..." "Are you two talking about sex...we've learned this..." Cameron rolled her eyes. "Great. You don't have to go around searching for that him or her. They'll come around. And don't're not going to die Hon.." Dr. Landon walked over to Cameron and kissed the top of her head. Cameron slouched down. "Yeah right..." The doctor laughed. "There isn't just one out there...." "Really?" "Yup....I'll see you two at your next appointment. In the mean time...take your vitamin...we don't want a bloody nose.." She smiled at Cameron.

The words of Dr. Landon really boost up Cameron's energy. She wasn't gonna die as long as she stay healthy and be careful of sharp object that can cut her.

Cameron at 18

"Hey, watch it!!!" Two guys riding on skateboards passed by Cameron, causing her to lost balance and fell. "Hey! Are you alright?" Nick Carter of the Backstreet Boys ran up, after a signing in a record store. "Oh my God.." She stared at him. "Yeah...I know.." He smiled sweetly. "Oh my God.." "Why don't I help you up...." Nick chuckled and pulled her up. "Nick..." "No...I'm Cammi.." Nick laughed. "No...I'm Nick.." "I knew that.." Cameron blushed, dusting her hands together. "Ouch...oh my god.." "Stop saying that.." Nick frowned at her. "No...I'm gonna die.." She looked at her palm. Nick took a look at her hand. "It's just a glass splinter...maybe from a broken glass or something.." "I'm going to die.." She repeated. "No you're not...stop saying that.." Nick couldn't believe how paranoid this girl was. "No...I am going to's not stopping.." She cried, half angry and upset because she had managed this far into her years. "What?" "Nothing...thanks.." Her tears running down, her eyes stared at the stained of blood on her palm. "That's the littlest boo boo I've ever seen...and I can't believe you're crying over it.." "You have no idea.." She sniffled. "Stop it will you? You are not going to die Silly.." Nick chuckled and took her hand, bringing it to his lips. "Wha.." Before she knew it...Nick was doing something to her finger with his tongue. "Oh my God.." Nick reached into his pocket and pulled out a tissue, wiping her finger. "All better.." She took a look at it. 'It's gonna start bleeding again...' She told herself, but she was wrong.

"Told you....umm...where are you heading..?" "To my therapy session..." "Ooohhh you got secrets.." Nick chuckled. "Yup..." Cameron smiled. "Thank you so much..." "No problem...just be careful.." "Stop saying that.." "That was my first time saying that.." Nick frowned. "I'm sorry...I've heard that a lot from know.." She scrambled her words. "That's break's over..I better be getting back to the store..." "Okay...." Cameron nodded as he turned away from her. She smiled and was about to leave when he turned back. "Can I get your number?" He asked nicely. Cameron dazed at his blue eyes. "Um..." "Don't be intimidated...I....actually I'm being intimidated by're pretty..." Nick said and rolled his eyes away from hers. 'Stupid Nick!' Cameron laughed. "Yeah...hold on.." She dig into her bag and pulled out a lolly pop wrapper, scribbling her number quickly onto it with a pen. Nick giggled. Cameron looked up. "What?" "I had that same lolly pop for breakfast this morning..." " that's not healthy is it?" She grinned and handed it to him. "I hope you call..." "I will.." Nick smiled. "Be careful.." "Stop saying that.." The both said at once after that and laughed.

"I can't believe it...another person...Wow!" Cameron smiled excitedly. "I told you...there's not just one person..." Dr. Landon smiled, happy for her. "I was so scared...I thought I was gonna die.." "No you won' know that...and it wasn't a big cut I bet...I told's only the know...where the blood flows.." "I know..but still, I get really do I know if it's not.." "If it is...blood will be spilling out okay?" "And I can't believe some girls actually try to cut themselves to relieve depression...I bet it really hurts them.." Cameron laid back down on the couch of the office. " are you feeling better about this whole thing? It's been like what...4 years since you found out?" Dr. Landon smiled. "Yeah, I guess...I thought it would be know what I mean? And Mom is so jumpy sometimes...she doesn't trust in...I started to ride a bike...nothing happened...and swimming lessons...nothing happened.." "I'm proud of you Cammi.." "Thanks Doc.." Cameron laughed. "So...Mom said you have new results on it?" "Yes..." She sort of smiled. "And?" "Since you're 18...your mother wants me to put you on the pill.." "Ugghh..! I told her I wasn't going to be with a guy...I mean..the last time I was with one...remember Ralph?" "Yeah.." "Well, I was too scared to come near him okay? I mean...we we're gonna do it one night...but it was after we rented Scream...and that movie scared the heck out of me...seeing all those can happen to me...just one cute on the wrists..or the neck...and I'm dead.." "You're paranoid.." Dr. Landon laughed. "Yup....I've been told that a lot...this is really scaring tell you the truth.." Cameron said softly. "It really does...dying...from something I have no control of.." "I know...and it only happens to one out of every so million people.." "Why me...," She said and sighed. "Well, I better get going...Mom's probably waiting with dinner at home.

"Wait...about that whole pill think before you led me into a different subject.." She chuckled at Cameron. "Oh! I'm sorry..Go ahead.." "Remember when I talked about sex sperm..." "Yeah...the only thing that actually cures it..if it's from the person that can stop my bleeding.." " I will put you on it...and try it out.." "Are you and Mom telling me to sleep around? I am not a slut.." She laughed. "You never know if that someone can be your you experienced..there are already two people out there..." Cameron thought about it. "Okay...just call me.." "Okay...have a goodnight.." "Night Dr. Landon..." Cameron said and took her keys out from her bag.

Internal Chapter 2