Nickolas and Kaitlyn Chapter 1


It was a rainy night in Florida. The Carters were at home, enjoying a family moment because Nick and Aaron were finally home, at the same time. "I'm gonna shower and head for bed.." Nick announced as he stood up and went to his room. His family was noticing something weird about him after he came home from a trip with Brian. Nick walked into the bathroom and smiled as he heard Aaron and Angel arguing over the fact that Angel drank out of Aaron's can of soda. His family were gathered in the TV room and was enjoying a movie. He loved them, but his love at the moment, was on someone else...someone he was kept away from.

"Nick! Hurry up!! I'm next!" Leslie yelled rom the living room. Nick yelled, "I'll be quick!" He heard thunder and lightning outside and smiled, thinking that she was the only girl that wasn't afraid of a storm. "I miss you..." He said and got into the hot shower.

The door bell rang and Jane Carter came out from the kitchen after doing the dishes. "Who could that be?" She asked as Aaron got up. "Aaron, I'll get that.." Bob said. Aaron nodded and stand by the door, Bob rubbed his head and smile, opening the door. There stood a young girl, cold and wet, shivering cold. Her straight blong hair tucked behind her ears. The Carters stood inside and stared at her.

Kaitlyn bit her lips and sneezed softly. "I'm sorry...I know it's late, but is Nick home?" She asked the group. Jane and the rest stared, not quite answering her yet. Half of Jane wanted to take this child inside and warm her up, but the other half had no idea who this girl is.

"NICK!!!!" Everyone yelled but was still staring at Kaitlyn, wondering why they never met her if she knew Nick. "What?" Nick walked up to the door, topless with a blue towel hang across his shoulders. "Oh my God.." He quickly pulled her to him and took her into his arms. "What...what are you doing here Baby..." Nick whispered and was about to cry himself. "Um..let's go inside everyone.." Bob suggested. Nick nodded. "Yeah.." He yanked the towel over her shoulders and wrapped her in it. "Hurry.." Nick pulled her to the couch.

Kaitlyn leaned on Nick as she heard his siblings, "Who is she?" Was the question that seemed to be in everyones mind. "Kids...go to bed.." Jane ordered as she watched Nick and Kaitlyn. After many goodnight kisses, the children were upstairs. "I missed you so much.." Kaitlyn whispered to him as Jane and Bob stared. "Me too...are you hurt?" Nick asked, noticing some bruises on her arms and wrists. He sniffled and swallowed. "Please tell me..." Kaitlyn buried her face in Nick's shoulders. "I'm really sorry Nick.." She mumbled through tears. Nick shook his head and kissed her forehead. He wrapped his arms possesively over her and held her tight.

"Nick.." Jane called him after a few minutes of watching the couple. She knew they had a special was too obvious. "Let me get her cleaned up...she's gonna catch a cold.." "I know.." Nick turned his attention back to a shivering Kaitlyn. "Go with her...she'll get you some dry clothes...don't worry...I'm right here..." Kaitlyn nodded and looked up at Jane. "Come here.." Jane gave her a hand. "I'm Kaitlyn...nice to meet you Mrs. Carter.." "Honey, let's get you clean up.." Jane smiled at the beautiful girl and took her hand.

Nick watched her left with his mom and buried his hands in his hair. "Fuck.." "Who is she Son.." Bob began as he sat down. "Kaitlyn.." "I know...the question actually included, where is she from, and why is there a hungry, cold, exhausted girl at our doorstep at 10 P.M.." "We fell in love in Lexington, when Brian and I spent our two weeks there..." "Kentucky...what is she doing here in Florida.." "Do you want me to tell you that her Dad hates me? That he doesn't like me hanging out with her, that he raised her up to hate not to love?" Bob placed a hand on Nick's shoulders, "You never mentioned her.." "I was might not let me get into a relationship like this...where the girl's parents just dislikes me.." "You keeping things away from your mother and I won't help..." Bob said but Jane interupted when she entered.

"Nick.." "How is she?" Nick asked. "She's washing up..." "Thanks Mom..can you make her something to eat?" Nick asked. "I was planning on that..." Jane smiled. "We need to talk.." "Just tell me how she is Mom.." "She's pale...and tired...I guess she hasn't been sleeping...physically, she's okay..besides the colorful bruises on her.." "Don't tell me.." Nick said quickly, interuppting. "Okay Boy...start speaking.." Jane said and sat down next to Bob. "All I know is she's travel from Kentucky just to be with be safe, to find love." Nick wiped some tears and continued, "I met her when Brian and I went to Kentucky last month to spend out break. I met Kaitlyn from across the river. We talked and fell in love. I know that sounds like it's nothing...but it's something to us. One problem though, her parents hate me..."

Jane and Bob were silent, they didn't know how to comfort him. "Nick?" Kaitlyn called him. "Kait.." Nick quickly stood up and ran to the room. Jane sighed and pulled Bob into the kitchen. "Look at them Sweetie. I didn't even know parents get a say in their children's relationship today...and hit her?" Jane said angrily as she began to whip up some meals for Kaitlyn. "Honey, maybe they have something agains't Nicky.." "Our son? My Nicky? What can possibly be wrong with our son? Look at how protective he is with her...those people should be happy that my Baby Boy is dating their daughter...This is so unblievable.."

"I'm sorry.." Kaitlyn said again. Nick shook his head and sat down on the couch, pulling her onto his lap. "No.." He felt better now that she was dried and warm in his arms. "Are you tired..?" Nick didn't have to ask, of course she was tired. Kaitlyn smiled and kissed his cheek as she leaned her back into his chest and placed her cheek with his. She kissed his cheek softly and lingered her lips onto his temple and forehead, feeling the warmness of his arms. "You know...all these kisses won't make up for a millisecond away rom you..." Nick whispered and kissed her forehead. His parents stepped into the room and he lifted her off his lap, settling her next to him. "Eat...we'll think of something tomorrow.."

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