Web a holic webring

This webring was originally born through Webring.org on: December 22, 1999
This webring was born on Bravenet on: September 9, 2000
Last Update: September 9, 2000

Welcome to the web a holics webring! Do you stay up nights surfing the web? Have you stopped trying to hide your obsession with your computer? Then this is the webring for you! Let's unite all of the web a holics together!


By joining this ring, you agree to have infrequent messages sent to you from the webring owner regarding this webring.


This ring is for people who are web a holics in almost any sense of the word. Please note, you must have a web page to join this ring.

What You Must Do To Get Into The Ring

Step One: You must have a non-pornographic, non-business site. Once you've passed that hurdle, go on to step two.

Step Two: Add your site to the queue by clicking on the Add Your Site To The Queue link. Please be sure to put down the URL of the pag where the webring actually is, which may not necessarily be your main page. The link is right below.

Step Three: Download the image onto your own server. It's very simple. Just right click on the image in the ring below and select the option that says to save the image. I recommend that you save the image with a different name (and of course change the code to reflect that name) so there will be no doubt that you've downloaded it to your own site.

Step Four: Add the ring code to the page you listed below. Please notice, old members, that the code has changed so you need to save the new code.

Step Five: E-mail me when you have the code up. Please remember that I run three other webrings so I would appreciate it if you put some sort of clue as to which webring you're talking about in the subject or body of the message along with your site ID. Thanks!

That's it. Very simple.

I reserve the right to refuse to add anybody to the ring and to delete sites from the ring or from the queue without notice. Any sites that have been in the queue for two weeks and haven't been added yet, nor have they contacted me in any way will be removed from the queue.

Add Your Site To The Queue

Web Ring Code


This site owned by
Amanda Lane
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SiteRing by Bravenet.com

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