Here is the friendly Lucille Ball University Faculty. Pick your topic of study then email the Department Head.

For example, if you want to write on College of Sudden Illnesses - School of How To Suddenly Get Amnesia and Other Chronic Illnesses, submit your thesis to Eva, or if you want to write on something from the College of Baby Episodes, submit your thesis to Annette.

College of Education - School of Lucy As An Educational Tool
College of History of Lucille Ball - School of Lucy Ricardo, School of Lucy Carmichael, School of Lucy Carter, School of Lucy Barker (Choose one or all)
College of Ethel Mertz - School of How To Be Tricked by Your Best Friend
College of Lucy Touched My Life - For example, how Lucy effects your life, by way of making new friends, feeling better, etc.
College of Lucy Collecting
College of How To Sell Things
College of How To Approach a Movie Star
College of Relationships - School of Husband vs. Wife
School of Landlord vs. Tenant
College of Sudden Illnesses - School of How To Suddenly Get Amneisa and other Chronic Illnesses
College of Lucy Watching

Credits include: Lucy in the Classroom
Member of I Love Lucy Internet List
20 years experience of Lucy watching
Member of We Love Lucy Fan Club
Moderator for the Lucy Trivia on Lucytalk
Loving Lucy Convention Attendee - 1998, 1999, 2000
Winner of the Lucy Trivia Contest - Loving Lucy Convention 1999
Winner of the winning team for Lucy Trivia Contest - Loving Lucy Convention 2000
Lucy-Desi Days (Jamestown, NY) 2000 Attendee
Lucy-Desi Days (Jamestown, NY) 1999 Attendee

College of English - School of Overcoming Language Barriers
College of Reocurring Characters
College of Baby Episodes
College of Nagging Habits
College of Ethel Mertz
College of Ricky Ricardo - School of Music and Songs
College of How To Get A Job With Little Experience
College of Lucy on the Web
College of How To Get Out of a Jam in Little Time

Credits include: Member of I Love Lucy Internet List
20 years experience of Lucy watching
Member of We Love Lucy Fan Club
Loving Lucy Convention Attendee

College of How To Trick Your Husband
College of Wardrobe Studies
College of Penny Pinching - School of Husband vs. Wife
College of Fred Mertz - How To Be a Penny Pinching Landlord
College of How To Break Into Show Business
College in the 'I've Got An Idea' Syndrome
College of Ricky Ricardo - Any School of Ricky Studies

Credits include: Moderator of Lucy Collectibles on
15 years experience of Lucy watching
Member of We Love Lucy Fan Club
Loving Lucy 2000 Convention Attendee

College of Relationship Studies - School of Lucy and Ethel's Friendship
School of - Lucy and Ricky's Love For Each Other
College of Little Ricky - School of Playing in Your Room For Hours
College of Babysitting - School of Being a Babysitter At All Hours

Credits include: 20 years experience of Lucy watching
Member of I Love Lucy Internet List
Member of We Love Lucy Fan Club
Loving Lucy Convention Attendee - 1998, 1999

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© 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 Eva, Lucille Ball University