Miss Swan's Swans Crossing Home Page || The Characters

All about those crazy, sexy, cool, and intriguing teenagers in Swans Crossing

At the head of Swans Crossing's flock is Sydney Rutledge Sydney, the town's teenage femme fatale. Sydney is the mayor's daughter and uses her authority to her advantage. She is the snobby leader of the most exclusive clique in school. Sydney is also a world-class schemer that has a knack for inventing fool-proof plans to get whatever she wants and will blatantly run over anyone who stands in her way.

Garrett Booth Garrett, her ex-flame, is the one person Sydney can't seem to bulldoze. Garrett is a handsome and rebellious bad-boy that uses his charismatic charm to manipulate others. He constantly attracts trouble and always keeps the waters moving. This self-proclaimed stud loves toying with people's emotions and finds it difficult to remain faithful to one girl.

Garrett has his eye on Mila Rosnovsky Mila, a former actress and countess' daughter who just moved into town. Mila is a social enchantress that allures every guy in town with her stunning beauty and down-to-earth personality. And even though it is easy for her to make friends, most of the girls are secretly jealous of her.

One of Mila's galpals is Garrett's sister Glory Booth Glory. In personality, Glory is the complete opposite of her jerky brother. Glory is the town sweetheart who only has kind words to say about others and would never hurt a fly. She's extremely friendly and will always be there to cheer up anyone who's feeling upset.

Glory's steady is J.T. Adams J.T., a smart and comical guy with a romantic streak. J.T. has a difficult time juggling his two favorite past times - writing love poems for Glory and running renegade lab experiments with his best bud and colleague, Neil.

Neil Atwater Neil is a brilliant young physicist who is a member of the wealthiest African-American family in the country. However, he would rather spend his days creating breakthrough scientific formulas than hanging out at the country club with the other rich kids.

The other new girl in town, Callie Walker Callie is another one of Swans Crossing's moneyed teens who doesn't make a big deal about her family's elite status. Callie is an adventurous, slightly mysterious girl who leads an unsual lifestyle. She and her rich, reclusive father live in a submarine. She is also the only female in town tough enough to ride a mini-bike and work at the local motorcycle repair shop.

Jimmy Clayton Jimmy is Callie's co-worker and potential boyfriend (if only they would stop arguing!).  Jimmy is a reticent young gear-head who can fix any machine, but can't fix his own problems. He is constantly tinkering away on something in hopes to keep his mind off his troubles.

Bobby "Saja" DeCastro Saja is another young man facing a personal dilemma. Bobby is a peculiar teen who doesn't seem to know who he really is. He is constantly trying out various personalities and is currently assuming the identity of "Saja", a mystical ninja warrior.

Nancy Robbins Nancy is another teen in Swans Crossing who would rather be someone else.  Nancy idolizes popular Sydney and would do anyhing to gain her approval.  She is also the town's backstabbing gossip queen.

Someone Nancy enjoys putting down is Sandy Swan Sandy, a teenage songstress with a beautiful voice. Unfortunately, Sandy has little self-confidence and tends be either overlooked or railroaded by the other kids in town.

Owen Fowler Owen is Sandy's recording partner and long-time pal, and is also a spacey young musical genius. Owen would probably land a major record deal if he could just get his head out of the clouds and quit daydreaming about gorgeous Mila.

Swans Crossing focuses on the lives of these twelve very different teens who, despite their contrasting personalities, all manage to cross one another's paths.

***These character descriptions are © 1999 Miss Swan and may not be used on another site, publication, etc without permission from me first.***

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