All about me.

Holy Gopher! Its been quite a while since I've updated this page. What am I listening to right now? Dido and Tori are on rotation, but everything else is always included. Hi- I'm Sally Abbott. I live in the lovely state of Washington. My music varies, but some of my favorite groups are REM, U2, Bela Fleck, Natalie Merchant, The Cure, NIN, Cocteau Twins, Vivaldi, the like. I watch the X-Files, Star Trek, Mystery Science Theater, (mst3k), and Red Dwarf, and Monty Python. You don't care about my pets, family, where I live, or how awful it is.
My mortal age is irrevelant ;), but I am female (The only way to go!). I attended Wenatchee High School, and did running start at Wenatchee Valley College. Currenty, I'm attending University of Washington. I'm a junior, and currently majoring in Microbiology and Minoring in Medical History and Ethics, and went to Japan three years ago on academic exchange. It was really cool! I'm happy because I can actually read, write, and speak it fluently, woo hoo!

I've been on the internet for a mere 7 years, and have had quite an adventure making this page. I have a brother, sister, a dog, and some sea-monkeys. (Had to classify them all together, pets, siblings, ya'know what I mean- right?)

Where am I now? Seattle! Unlike Wenatchee, which is trying to be a big city in a sort of farming community. It's not working, but you still have to love your hometown, right? Its a weird place to live...I still can't figure out if I like it or not. But if someone from Wenatchee says, "Its the same everywhere-" DO NOT BELIEVE THEM. THEY ARE A LIAR. WENATCHEE IS WEIRD. RUN AWAY.

Yeah, ok. When I think of more stuff to say, I'll let you know. Or you can e-mail me with whatever questions you have, there's no guarantee that I'll answer them, but try anyways. ;)

I have what I consider a ranting page- it has my kind of views on life and it's basically me yelling at the universe- if you have anthing to add, again, e-mail me. Listen to me shout...

Oh, and in case anyone knows what Geek Code is, here's mine-

GO d-- H++ s++:- g- p? au--- a-- w+ v+++ C++ U? L+ !3 E N++ K---- W--- M++ !V -po+ Y+ t+ 5-- j+ R+ G'''' tv b+ D-- B e* u--- h- f? r++ n---- x-

What? No poetry. Nope. Nothing but science right now kiddies. If I ever get to read for enjoyment, I'll let you kiddies know.

Here is my wee little senior picture from high school. Don't laugh- or I will find you and beat you up. Don't believe that I can't find you and get you.

Like it? Good.

The next set is some pictures of me from Japan.

The first is me and the family's dog, Korochan.

The secondis me and my host sister in our school uniforms. (I'm the tall mutant.)

The third is me all dressed up for Girls Day!

The last is my host sister and I dressed up for Girl's Day. Once again, the tall mutant on the right is me.
Now for the scary pics!

Hello! Yes...some pictures my friend David took of me....pretty weird for lack of a better term. :) And no....I normally don't look like this.

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