Nola Reardon

The Lonely Stalker

Nola was once Vanessa Chamberlain's archrival, and the two had one of the best series of catfights in daytime history. Nola has two children, J and Stacey, and came back to Springfield estranged from her husband Quint Chamberlain, due to his off-screen extra-marital affair. The two seemed to be rekindling their relationship, but then Quint was axed and is now MIA. Nola was left serving coffee, and occasionally buzzing in and out of people's lives once a month. But this all changed when Nola started taking a liking to Buzz Cooper. As her attraction and her loneliness grew, Nola started "admiring" Buzz, sending him flowers, candy, and even stealing a picture of him and his son from his house, framing it, and returning it. Nola has also started fantasizing about Buzz, her fantasies being old movies, but with the characters being herself, Buzz, and Buzz's fiancee Jenna. But Buzz may be on to her...

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