Patrick Stewart, who plays the character of Jean Luc Picard. 
Jonathan Frakes, who plays the character of William Riker. 
Brent Spiner, who plays the character of Data. 
Michael Dorn, who plays the character of Worf. 
Marina Sirtis, who plays the character of Deanna Troi. 
LeVar Burton, who plays the character of Geordi LaForge. 
Gates McFadden, who plays the character of Beverly Crusher. 
Denise Crosby, who plays the character of Natasha Yar. 
Whoopi Goldberg, who plays the character of Guinan

See The "Enterprise" In VRML

About "Star Trek: The Next Generation"

A Picture of the cast together

A funny caricature 

Links to STTNG sites

Some of the links in this page contain text taken from "Holodeck 3"