STFC Synopsis




STAR TREK: FIRST CONTACT is the latest film of the "Star Trek" franchise, the most successful brand in the hottest entertainment genre.
STAR TREK: FIRST CONTACT is the first of the "Star Trek" films to feature only the "Start Trek: The Next Generation" cast, the top-rated television series that aired for nine years. It stars Patrick Stewart (Captain Jean-Luc Picard), Jonathan Frakes (Commander William Riker), Brent Spiner (android Lieutenant Commander Data), LeVar Burton (Lieutenant Commander Geordi La Forge), Michael Dorn (Klingon Lieutenant Commander Worf), Gates McFadden (Dr. Beverly Crusher) and Marina Sirtis (Lieutenant Commander Deanna Troi). James Cromwell ("Babe") stars as Zefram Cochrane and Alfre Woodward ("Cross Creek") stars as his side-kick Lily Sloane. The Borg Queen is portrayed by Alice Krige. In the film, Captain Jean-Luc Picard leads the crew of the newly commissioned U.S.S. Enterprise in a battle against time and the Borg, an insidious race of half-machine, half-organic aliens, to restore the rightful future of Earth. While on routine patrol, Captain Picard receives word from Starfleet Headquarters that the Borg have entered Federation Space and are on a direct course for Earth. Violating direct orders to remain uninvolved, Picard leads the U.S.S. Enterprise in Starfleet's massive assault against their deadliest foe. After the attack on Earth fails, the Borg institute a plan to go back in time to Earth at its most vulnerable time in history, the dark age after the Third World War.
The crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise follow the Borg back to a missile complex in Montana. The date: April 4, 2063, the day before the legendary flight of Zefram Cochrane's warp drive rocket, the Phoenix. This historic flight would ultimately lead to "first contact" - the meeting between humans and beings from another world and subsequently, the birth of the United Federation of Planets - and, therefore, of "Star Trek" itself. It is this "first contact" that the Borg are trying to prevent.

STAR TREK: FIRST CONTACT was produced by Rick Berman. It was directed by Jonathan Frakes from a story by Rick Berman, Brannon Braga and Ronald D. Moore. The screenplay was written by Brannon Braga and Ronald D. Moore.
STAR TREK: FIRST CONTACT is closed captioned for the hearing impaired. STAR TREK: FIRST CONTACT is rated PG-13 by the Motion Picture Association of America and PG in Canada, has a running time of 111 minutes and is available on VHS or Beta.
Paramount Home Video is part of the operations of Paramount Pictures. Paramount Pictures is a unit of Viacom Inc.

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