A discussion of the photographic journey of Gillian Anderson

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FHM Cover

It has long been stated on the internet that there are no nude pictures of Gillian Anderson. There is some truth to this assertion (though there are some exceptions to this dictum, notably the screen captures from her movie "The Turning"), but it certainly appears to be dissipating and quickly. This web site is an attempt to examine this transformation in the hope of bringing some clarity from the field of cultural criticism to what has happened to and for Gillian Anderson. The pictures displayed here were all culled from the internet.


The photos first exhibited on the internet as pictures of Gillian Anderson were all in keeping with her persona of "Scully" on the X-files. While they often exhibited, in a modest form, her physical attributes, they were purposely subtle in that display.

Gillian Anderson looking seriousThis picture is typical of the pictures one would often encounter on the internet. A tease of cleavage, but mostly a more casual image of "Scully."


GA WindsweptThis picture is again much like the other. The persona is one which is intelligent, while at the same time there is a bit of daring revelation of breasts. We are here not too far removed from Scully.


A major change in display occured with the advent of the photo spread in Rolling Stone magazine. Here each of these pictures presents a very different image than one perceives of "Scully" and of the persona exhibited in the pictures above. The pictures of Anderson naked, smoking, engaged in a menage a trois, all subvert the image of "Dana Scully," the straightlaced, slightly prudish, FBI agent/doctor. This indicates a major shift in the persona which Anderson has chosen to present.

Rolling Stone Cover

Rolling Stone DD

Rolling Stones threesome

At this point let me insert a caveat. I am not interested in passing judgement about the transitions in persona which I perceive in images of Gillian Anderson. I in no way am nostalgic for the "pure" visions which were more consonant with the character of "Scully." My only point is to note the transition and perhaps speculate on it for its implications for society in general.

The next major shift we see is in the most recent exhibition of photographs found in the FHM spread.

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